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"Do I really need to study?" I groaned. "I'm still injured," I pouted. I leaned back into the couch in the living room as Catrin rolled her eyes at me. It hadn't been too long since the incident with Nolan, but Catrin was already acting more like herself than she had in the months she was with him. I was so happy to see that.

"Just because you were given an excuse from class doesn't mean you've been given an excuse from studying. Come on Ivy, you know this answer," she continued to encourage.

"Let's make a deal," I stated, my mouth running before I could stop it. "For every right answer I give, you have to tell me a fact you gave the officer when you stepped out of my hospital room." Catrin gave me a confused look. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm referring to. It was only a week ago." Catrin sighed, knowing she couldn't keep up the facade.

"I'll only agree on one condition," she finally gave in. I nodded, permitting her to express her condition. "For every wrong answer, I get to ask a question that you have answer honestly, no matter what."

I considered her proposal for a moment. I wanted to refuse, but at the same time, my curiosity was bursting, begging for the knowledge that I would glean if I got the answers right. And while I knew I wasn't completely apt at Economics, I knew I wasn't too bad. I could still get some answers out of her. And how much could she really ask of me?

"Fine, as long as I get to ask for specifics about your conversation with the officer. Deal?" I enticed, reaching my hand out to Catrin for confirmation. She shook my hand, sealing my fate in that moment.

"Deal," she agreed. She then read the first question, which I knew she purposely picked for its difficulty. I struggled, but, to her chagrin, I managed to give the correct answer.

"OK, so why did you suddenly want to have a private conversation with Officer Jackson? And don't say anything like 'Because it was private'. I want a real and specific reason. What happened?" I questioned.

Catrin took in a deep breath, and I immediately regretted my question. I had started too heavy. "Because Nolan had done things to me that I didn't want to admit in front of you and Ivan. You had both been so good to me and I knew you were trying to protect me from Nolan and I felt guilty. I didn't want you guys to know, essentially, because I didn't want you to judge me for staying with him," she responded.

"Fair enough," I admitted. "No pressure, but you know we love you regardless, and we don't fault you for staying with him, so you can tell us anything."

Catrin gave me a reassuring smile. "I know," she sweetly responded. She then turned back to her laptop and asked me another question that was a lot harder to answer. I got the answer wrong. "OK," she started, thinking for a moment. "Have you and Ivan ever dated or considered dating?" she questioned.

That was an easy answer. "The last time I saw Ivan romantically was when I had a schoolgirl crush on him when we first met. In kindergarten. We're a little past that now. We've never been romantically involved," I informed her.

She appeared satisfied with that answer, because she resumed her questioning. I managed to answer the next question mostly correctly, which was generous of Catrin to allow, and I mulled over my next question. "OK, you don't have to get into detail, but can I know what Nolan did to you? You don't have to tell me more than you're comfortable with," I assured her.

Catrin took in a deep breath, and I braced myself for information that would shake me. "Well, at first it was just him holding on to me too tightly too force me to listen to him or to go along with something he wanted. I know you saw those bruises before. After a while, I guess I was starting to get more of a backbone and I wasn't so compliant because he started shoving me." She took a deep breath, then paused, as if contemplating if she should continue.

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