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"You weren't kidding about rich," I murmured as we pulled into the driveway of a McMansion, identical to all the adjacent houses and yet, magnificent and huge in its own right.

Kristoff pulled out the bags from the trunk. He refused to let me help, and it was for the best anyway. Not just because of the lingering soreness, but because, apparently, his family was old school and believed in chivalry through and through. They would have thought they failed in raising Kristoff if he let me do any of the "man" work, which irked me a little bit, but I tried to reason that it was more from a place of being a gentleman rather than seeing a woman as a weakling.

I was at least allowed to carry my own overnight bag, which looked really drab by comparison. My car looked out of place among the fancy and expensive cars that were allowed in the driveway. I imagined insanely expensive vintage cars sitting under tarps in what looked like a four-car garage. At least.

Kristoff rang the doorbell and this beautiful woman, holding a martini and looking ever the stereotypical stay-at-home trophy wife, answered the door. "Krissy!" she squealed, giving her son a one-armed hug. "And you must be Ivy! Oh, you're such a doll!" she continued gushing, also giving me a one-armed hug. "Call me Rachel or Ray, but please do not call me Mrs. Johansonn, that's my mother-in-law's name," she instructed me.

"Mom," Kristoff curtly cut her off. She looked at him obliviously. "Heavy bags," he explained.

"Oh, of course! It's freezing out there. Come in darlings," she cooed, stepping aside to let us in. "Ivy, your room will be next to Krissy's," she explained to me with a wink.

"Thank you," I responded, finally getting a chance to get a word in.

"So polite," she admired. Kristoff and I headed upstairs. I set my bag down on the chair at the desk that was in my room. Which was bigger than my own bedroom. And I thought I had a pretty big bedroom. I didn't realize just how much money Kristoff had until I came here. Suddenly, the muscle car and plethora of gifts made sense.

"Are you doing alright in here?" Kristoff asked, poking his head into the room.

"You failed to mention just how rich you are," I stated, merely pointing it out.

"Technically, my parents are rich. I'm their kid, so I benefit, but my net worth is zero. Until I turn 25 and the trust fund kicks in," he clarified.

"How will you ever manage until then?" I sarcastically joked. He chuckled and approached me. He leaned down, placing one hand on each armrest of the chair, and looked me straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry about earlier. In the car. I trust you. I don't think you'd cheat on me. And I know you have good judgment. I'm just afraid of losing you to someone else, you know?" he excused.

I shrugged. "You're forgiven, but I don't know. I trust you, and never thought of you as the type to cheat. Well, except for our first encounter. Sorry, but you were initially guilty by association," I admitted, remembering that Grayson was the one that introduced us.

"Fair enough. I'll work on my jealousy," Kristoff breathed. "Forgive me?" he pleaded, adding a fake whimper for effect.

I chuckled and lightly pushed him as I got up from the chair. "You're forgiven, you adorkable jerk," I jibed. Kristoff closed the gap between us, tenderly pulled me closer, and planted a soft and sweet kiss on my lips. It was wonderful and too short.

"Hey kiddos!" Rachel called from the foot of the stairs. "We have lunch out!"

Kristoff looked disappointed, but took me by the hand and led me down the stairs to the magnificent dining room, complete with dark, expensive looking furniture and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Lunch was food I'd never seen before in my life, but I decided to give it a try, all served on fancy plates with crystal glasses for drinks. I'd hate to see what they did for fancy dinners.

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