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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" I inquired. Andrew had just picked me up from the airport and was driving me to my apartment. As per tradition, Lorenzo had planned a start-of-the-year party. I was looking forward to seeing that crowd again. I hadn't seen them in a while. And I was hoping Andrew would join me so I could introduce him to everyone. Actually, if I was being honest, I wanted to show him off to everyone. To show everyone I finally nabbed a good one. Like Catrin did.

"Parties aren't really my thing," he shrugged as he weaved through traffic. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. There went that plan. "You should still go," he encouraged.

"I won't have fun without you," I pouted. I knew I was being a bit of a brat, but I really wanted him there. I was excited to be that couple all over campus. "Can you make an exception just this one time?" I tried to convince him to come. I noticed a smile play at the corner of his lips and I had hoped that meant yes.

"As enticing as you are, even if I enjoyed parties, I don't know how I would react in that kind of environment. And I'm going for some testing that day anyway, so I need to take it easy," he filled in.

"I'll come with you," I offered. "There will be other parties," I insisted.

"No, go," he insisted. "I'd hate to be the reason you missed out on some fun. Besides, weren't you saying how much you missed these friends? I'll meet them some other time. When things aren't so crazy," Andrew insisted.

"What if I drink too much?" I worried.

"You won't. You've gotten used to limiting yourself. You'll be fine," he insisted.

"We're quite the couple. You can't control your body and I only have one kidney. Power couple right here," I joked. Andrew laughed at my pathetic attempt to clear the air with him.

"You'll be fine," he insisted. "Go. We'll see each other the next day," Andrew assured me.

"Or that night," I mused. "I could come see you after I've made an appearance."

Andrew continued to smile that smile of his, but he didn't seem too amused. "Really, I'll be fine. I'll probably just sleep as soon as I get back, so I won't be great company anyway."

"Are you trying to avoid seeing me?" I questioned. "You're not cheating on me already, are you?" I meant it to come off as a joke, but I heard the insecurity in my tone. I could only hope Andrew missed it.

"Who would I cheat with?" he responded. "As if I could find someone better than you. I've grown up being told, when you find perfection, you don't do anything to screw it up. Well, I've found perfection. I refuse to screw it up. Especially with cheating," Andrew assured me.

"Now I know you're lying. I've been called a lot of things. Perfection has never been one of them," I responded.

"Because people don't have the sharp vision I have," he explained. I smiled to myself, feeling much more assured of his intentions. "Look, when you're done having fun, and I mean when you're done, not when you think I'm done, text me. If I'm awake, we'll hang out."

"Sounds good," I agreed. At least it was a bit of a compromise. "Who's taking you for tests?" I inquired, realizing he might need a ride. "I could give you a ride," I offered.

"You can't give me a ride back though," Andrew pointed out.

"At least it saves you the fare for one direction if you end up not finding someone to give you a ride and have to grab a taxi or something. How will you explain that, anyway? That you need a ride to and from the hospital for extensive testing on a condition that no one really knows about?" I stated.

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