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I glanced across the room to where Mitch was sat, his head in his hands and his posture slumped. He was tired, I could tell. We had been up late last night and the early morning training must have really taken it out of him. Austons head dropped onto my shoulder and Wills head was in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair, the three boys laying in my house were absolutely exhausted.

"Auston. Will." I whispered, nudging both the boys to get their attention. Both guys stirred and looked at me very slowly. "Why don't you both go to the spare rooms and get som sleep." Auston grunted and got up, making his way into his room. It took Will a few second but he finally pushed himself up and towards the bedroom. My eyes focused on Mitch who was falling asleep sitting up. I got up and made my way over to him. "Mitchy." I whispered and he looked up at me.

"I'm so tired, Lil." Mitch complained and I just smiled and helped him up, leading him toward the other spare room which was next to my dads room. I helped Mitch into bed and covered him over, but before I could leave the room, he grabbed my hand. "Will you stay?" Mitch asked, briefly opening his eyes. I thought about it for a second, the doors were locked, the lights were off and I was literally just going to my bed. Why not.

"I'll stay." I whispered and turned off the light. I climbed into the bed and Mitch immediately pulled me into him. Wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his face into the back of my neck. I smiled in comfort as I felt his breathes tickle my back.

"Night Mitchy." I whispered, but he was already asleep by the time the words left my mouth.


The sound of voices awoke me from my comforting sleep. The feeling of an arm around my waist and someone breathe on my neck, both confused you me and comforted me as I turned around to see a sleeping Mitch. I smiled gently and slowly got out of his grip, making my way down stairs and into the kitchen where all the lads were cleaning.

"There's our sleeping beauty." Kasp announced and I just rolled my eyes with a smile and Will came into the kitchen.

"Where's Mitch?" He asked and I grabbed the pan from the cupboard while Auston went to the shop quickly to get the stuff to make like 20 omelettes.

"He's in my bed." I said and Will shared a look with John who was picking up plates off the island. Once Auston got back, we started making the food for the lads who continued to clean up.

"There he is!" Kasp said and I turned around to see a shirtless Mitch making his way into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His eyes landed on mine but I just looked away quickly, going back to make the food. The guys were lounging outside when Auston and I finished the food, we called them all in and they basically took the whole table outside.

"You feeling better than last night, Lil?" Auston asked and I nodded and smiled, looking at Mitch who was leaning against the door. Auston took his food and made his way outside, while I just sat in the living room.

"Hey." Mitch said simply, jumping over the back of the couch and landing next to me. We sat watching the tv for a while in silence until Mitch broke it. "Lilly, can we talk?" Mitch asked and my breathe caught in my throat, worried about what he was going to say.

"Not right now, Mitch. I've gotta... talk to Auston." I said jumping up from the sofa and making my way out to Auston who was threatening to jump off of the side of the hill that was at the edge of our house. I rolled my eye and pulled him back from the edge.

"Stop being an idiot. You guys have got training in an hour." I said and it took a few seconds, but the information finally registered in the guys mind. But when it did, they rushed into the house and to their cars.

"Are you coming to training?" Auston asked and I looked back into the house where Mitch was stood, getting on his shoes.

"I think I'm just going to stay home today, I've got a lot of cleaning to do anyways. You'll come by later though? It's Saturday night." I winked and Auston laughed and hugged me.

"I'd never miss Movie night." He called as he pulled away and made his way into the house. Once everyone had left the house, I opened all of the windows and began cleaning the kitchen. The sound of outside distracted me from the thoughts that were running wild in my mind. The last place I cleaned was my room, I walked in, a breathe of fresh air hitting me in the face as I looked out of the patio doors, walking onto the balcony that over looked the hill down the side of my house.

"Your mother used to stand there and stare out at the view when you were just a baby, you loved the window open, the breeze dancing around the room." My dads voice spike from behind me and I turned to him.

"What're you doing home? I thought you were away for the rest of the week?" I asked quietly and he smiled gently at me.

"Auston called me. Told me something's up." My dad said and I just looked down at the floor.

"The only people, I've ever truly trusted are you and Auston. But then, the team came into my life." I rushed out, not being able to stop myself from rambling. "Then Mitch came into my life." I said and looked up at my dad who wore a smile. "And now, I can't help but feel, different when I'm with him, happy when I'm with him." Dad let out a deep breathe and smiled, spurring down on my bed next to me.

"Usually this is where the mom comes in, but it's me and you, Lil. I've never seen you like anyone, for a while I thought maybe you and Auston were together." My dad said and I chuckled, shaking my head. "But that thought quickly left my mind when I seen him with that girl at the team party." He laughed and I smiled. "Maybe, Lilly. Giving Mitch an opportunity, is a good idea. I've never seen you happier with someone other than Auston's but it's different with Mitch." My dad said and I just huffed and stared out of the window again.

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