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After I officially sent out my acceptance email back to New York Uni, Auston decided we'd all go out for drinks and I was definitely down for it. I had been pretty happy lately and doing anything with the guys made me happier, Lilly hey had been by my side a lot largely and it was nice to have them around so much. The club was pretty busy and the music was pulsating around me, it was difficult to focus.

"Hey lil, do you want another drink?" Travis yelled over the music and I thought for a second before nodding, he smiled and walked off as I sat at the table. Mitch was dancing and I wasn't really bothered to take him away, it was nice seeing him enjoying himself so much.

"Why're you just sitting here? This is your celebration." Travis said loudly, sitting down next to me. I sighed and shrugged lightly.

"I'm happy, I just don't feel like dancing right now. Maybe after a few drinks it'll be another story. I'm just glad to see the guys having so much fun." I said looking over to Goat, Auston and John who were bent over in laughter while watching Morgan shut down a beer and dance at the same time.

"Well as long as your happy, Lilly. But if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go beat Gardiners ass at a dance battle." Travis said and I chuckled while he walked away, Will approaching me this time, very drunk.

"Hey, Lilly." He sang and I just laughed as he flopped down next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. We watched in silence as our friends danced and laughed, fully enjoying themselves. I drank the rest of my drink and then turned to Will.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a bit." I said and he stood up with me, stepping in front of me.

"I'll come with you, I'll wait outside. This place is full of some strange people." He said and I nodded and smiled at him gently. We made our way towards the bathroom and while we did, Will went on about me leaving. He was definitely an angel. When I had came out of the bathroom, Will was waiting while looking down at his phone. I peeked over to see him scrolling through Instagram.

"You ready to age a few more drinks?" I asked grabbing his arm and pulling him in my general direction. But when he went to speak, I felt a hand smack my ass and I gasped loudly, holding onto Will who just stood up straight. We both turned back to see a man standing with a smirk on his face and a few friends gathered round him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Will said loudly, earning the attention of Freddie and Patrick. They both made their way over.

"I'll guess your the pretty girls girlfriend?" The guy asked and Patrick and Freddie quickly interjected as the man went to grab me, both men pushing him back so he fell to the floor.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Freddie said and Will just kept an arm tightly around my waist as the rest of the guys started to approach the situation, Mitch looking frantically around.

"It's sad that a girl can't protect herself." The guy scoffed as he got up, slowly realising who the guys were that crowded me. Most of the club was at a stand still now and the music had been dimmed.

"I shouldn't have to protect myself from insecure men who can't keep their ugly hands to themselves." I said pushing out between Patty and Freddie. "Does your mother know you come to the clubs and lay your hands on woman who didn't give you consent?" I asked and he grumbled.

"You bitch." He said loudly before drunkenly grabbing our for me, his hand swiped my face as his nails scratched me, bad enough that it bled. Before he could get any further, Auston and Freddie stepped in, throwing the guy back again.

"Don't fucking touch her again." Auston spat before grabbing my waist and pushing me towards the exit, a flustered and confused Mitch quickly following after.

"What happened?" Mitch asked quickly when we got out into air, the rest of the guys filing out and crowding around me and Will.

"Will walked me to the bathroom and when I came out, we were walking back to the table when that guy slapped my ass." I shivered and Will Just nodded and swallowed harshly, while Auston balled his fists.

"I'll beat his ass." He said pushing to go back into the bar but I just held his arm. He looked down at me and I smiled at him. He grunted and nodded before going over to Patty, John, Goat and Kappy who were arranging rides back to my house. Mitch stared at me and I just smiled at him.

"Hey." I said quietly and he just slowly got closer to me, reaching over to wipe the blood from my face.

"You are bleeding." He drunkenly whispered and I just nodded, placing my hand against his hand, pressing or against the cuts on my face. I leaned forward, resting my forehead against his mouth.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." He whispered against my forehead and I just let his hand drop, hugging him close to my body.

"I love you, Mitchy. You can't always be there when things go wrong." I said quietly and he just held me tighter, quietly humming as we awaited the Uber to my house. Auston, Patty, Freddie, Mitch and I fit in the first Uber and the guys behind waited on theirs. Mitch held me close to him in the Uber, pressing a kiss to the side of my head every now and then.

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