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I got the phone call when I was in the middle of a Bardown quiz, Jesse and I were last men standing and DZ was just about to ask the question when Corwin ran through, his face was pale and he wore an expression I've never seen before. I had a sinking feeling the minute he walked into the room and I knew something wasn't right. My first thought went to Auston, the guys had a game today and I couldn't go, I wondered if something had happened to him.

"Lil. Your dads been in an accident in Chicago, he's in the hospital." Corwin said quickly and I stared at him, registering what he said in my mind, before I jumped up and started to make my way out of the offices. Corwin grabbed my stuff and ran after me. We both climbed into my car and I drove us by Corwins then my place to get some clothes. We both ordered a plane ticket and made our way to the airport, by the time we got there the flight had been called. When we got on the flight was the first time I talked.

"What happened?" I whispered and Corwin Just sighed quietly.

"The woman on the phone said it was a car accident, a drunk driver and your dad. She didn't tell me how bad it was." He said and I just nodded. I closed my eyes and laid my head on Corwins shoulder as we took off from the ground.

Dad had told me he was only going to be gone a few days, he was supposed to be back tomorrow. Auston and I were planning a party for tonight. Auston. I really should text him when I land, he'd want to know about dad, they all would. The minute we landed, I texted the groupchat and Corwin and I hailed a cab to take us to the main hospital in Chicago. By the time we got there, it was pretty late, the sun had set and I was more than worried by this point.

When we got to the front desk, I explained the situation and the woman at the desk called over a doctor to escort me to my dads room. He told me how bad my dad was and when we got to the waiting room, I stopped in my tracks. A woman stood, she was about the same height as me, curly hair, an oversized jacket, my dads jacket, hung around her shoulders, she had tears in her eyes and a bandage around her arm. It was only when she looked up that everything stopped, her green eyes like mine, olive skin with freckles littering her nose and cheeks, she looked like me.

"Lilly." The woman breathed out and my voice caught in my throat as tears made their way to my eyes once again.

"Mum?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. I felt bad for Corwin in this moment, it looked like we were in some really dramatic movie and he had no idea what was going on. She went to move forwards by I stepped back, making her stop. "Don't touch me." I said and turned to the doctor. "Can I see my dad?" I asked quietly and he nodded, leading me past my mum with Corwin following behind. The minute we walked into the room, my heart shattered. He was hooked up to all different type of wires, he had one massive tube coming out of his throat and he was covered in bruises.

"Jesus dad, how have you managed this one?" i whispered while moving closer to him, tears already in my eyes. Corwin rested his hand on my shoulder and i think in that moment i was thankful he insisted on coming along, it was nice to have familiar company in a time like this.

"Hey, will you stay here while i step out and call Auston. The guys will be in practice." I said and swallowed sharply. When i stood up, Corwin took my seat as i made my way out of the room and towards the waiting room where my mother still stood, tears in her eyes and shock on her face.

"Lilly, please." she breathed our but before she could speak anymore, i already had my phone pressed to my ear. It rang 4 times before Mitch finally picked up, his breathe heavy and his voice strained.

"hey, i cant talk long, we've got a game. Arent you coming?" Mitch asked and i took a deep breathe, holding back more tears but it was too much.

"Mitch im in Chicago, Dads been in a bad accident, I need you to tell Auston." i said choking on sobs, the line went quiet for a minute before Auston's voice filled the phone.

"I'm getting the first flight to Chicago, Lil. It'll be okay." Auston almost yelled down the phone and i jusst shook his head, but before i could speak, Mitch was already back at the other end.

"Mitch don't let him leave, he has to play this game. Tell him he can get the first flight after the game, dad wouldnt want him to miss it just to see him." I said down the phone, at this point mum was staring at me, both confusion and concern on her face.

"ill try, Lilly. We'll get the next flight out after the game. I love you, everything will be okay." Mitch reassured me down the phone and I believed him for some reason. i whispered a quick I love you back before we both hung up. I dragged myself back towards the hospital room. Corwin was passed out on the seat next to my dad. i smiled gently at him and sat on the sofa at then end of the room.

"What am i supposed to do now dad?" i asked, resting my head on my arm as i looked at him on that bed. I felt guilty, sad and in a state of shock, knowing my mother was only feet away, a woman i hadn't seen since i was 11.

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