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This story is so fucking dramatic and idk how I've just realised. So i guess, sorry?

Dad had gotten home pretty late, Auston was passed out on the other sofa while How i met your mother played loudly on the tv

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Dad had gotten home pretty late, Auston was passed out on the other sofa while How i met your mother played loudly on the tv. I was exhausted, i had spent the last 3 hours running scenarios through my mind and trying to figure out who the hell that woman was holding me. Dad came through the back door, a laughing uncle Dillon following after him. Auston jumped as i did, making sure he was there for moral support and i was glad he decided to stick around.

"Hey Aus, Pumpkin. Uncle Dillon and i are going to have some drinks." Dad said turning around. I already had the photo in my hand, facing in his direction. The smile on uncle Dillons face had dropped and Auston had a hand on my back when dad finally looked at the photo. His face completely dropped, tears welled in his eyes and looking at him it was like seeing him after being told he'd never play again, all over again.

"Who is that woman? It's not mum, dad." I whispered and my dad just stared at the photo, unable to speak. The look on my dads face made my heart ache as tears sprung to my eyes. "Who is she dad?" I asked and he finally looked away from the photo, looking me straight in the eye. Uncle Dillon moved to his side and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Your mother." Dad whispered and my hand dropped to my side. Without a word, dad walked away as i placed the photo onto the counter. Uncle Dillon looked at me for a moment, sadness and sympathy in his eyes before he walked after my dad. I turned to Auston who held me in his arms as i sobbed.


All of the lads and I were sat in the changing rooms at the rink, Mitch and Auston were sat to the side while Will and Morgan sat at each side of me. The guys were getting some training in, but we had been sitting in the changing rooms for an hour now and i don't think the lads were ready to move.

"So let me get this straight, You and Auston went up to your attic to find a pile of photos from like a year ago. Then ended up finding out you have another mom?"Kasp asked and i nodded while Morgan looked at Auston who just nodded too. "This is fucking crazy." He whispered sitting back and Auston and I just nodded.

"So what're you going to do?" Andreas asked and i just shrugged and thought for a second before answering.

"Mitch and i have put an offer on a house, so if that goes through I'll be moving out. Dad won't speak to me at all and Uncle Dillons round at the house everyday but won't speak to me either, both of them won't tell me anything." I sighed and stood up, making my way over to Mitch and sitting on his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist and the guys all looked around confused.

"You two are moving in together?" Morgan asked and i looked at the guys and then Mitch confused.

"Didn't you tell them?" I asked and Mitch whispered under his breathe that he knew he forgot to tell them something. I just sighed and rolled my eyes, turning back to the guys and putting on a smile.

"Mitch and i have decided to move in with each other." I said and all the guys jumped up, sharing hugs with both Mitch and I. He held me close to him when all of the guys finally calmed down. Morgan clapped Mitch on the back but before any of the lads could say anything Mike entered the changing room.

"What's all the celebration for?" He asked and Will spoke up, trowing an arm around both Mitch and I's shoulder.

"Our own maple Leafs power couple are moving in with each other." Will gushed and Mike smiled widely, Pulling Mitch and then I into a tight hug.

"Well congrats guys, I'm really happy for you guys. Although I'd love to celebrate by going out for drinks, but it seemed you guys where supposed to be on the ice 20 minutes ago."Mike said and all the guys rushed to get the rest of their kit on and get onto the ice. I sat down on the bench and stared off into space while the guys trained. it was only when Auston sat next to me on the bench that i finally focused.

"Hey, you okay?" Auston asked and I just shook my head, watching Mitch as he laughed with Will about something, I smiled at him gently and turned to Auston.

"I can't do this right now. I can't give him what he needs, I can't move in with him at the moment, not now. I dont want to hurt him, Aus. I love him. But right now, with everything thats come up. I can't." I whispered as tears sprung to my eyes once again. I was starting to get sick of crying.

"You've gotta speak to him, Lil. Tell him how you feel, he'll understand. He loves you, more than you know."Auston said and i nodded and looked at number 16. He looked over at me, smiling and sending me a small wave, which i returned as he got back to training.

"I don't want to loose him, Aus." I said as i wiped the stray tears that ran down my cheeks. He leaned forward and kissed the top of my head before skating off. I kept my eyes trained on Mitch, I could see my whole life in front of me when i looked at him. But something was always getting in the way.

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