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Tampa Bay seemed to be swallowing The Maple Leafs whole today and it was apparent on the score board. They were 4 points over us and we were 2 points in. Mitch was lacking and it was showing, the team were confused by how odd he was. No one knew what was going on with him.

"He's playing terribly out there, I don't know what's gotten into him." Will said coming over to me at the bench.

"He's been off lately. Maybe he's just stressed." I shrugged and Will took a moment before nodding and putting his mouth guard in and taking to the ice. Auston and Mitch came off and Mitch just stayed off to the side.

"Fucking hell, we're dying out there." Auston breathlessly said and I just sighed and nodded, letting him lean into me slightly.

"It's Mitch. He's not himself." I shrugged and Auston Just sighed and focused his gaze back onto the puck. I made my way towards the tunnel where my dad watched the game.

"What's up with Mitch? He's all over the place." My dad asked as he took to the ice, both of our gazes plastered on number 16. Mitch was skating on the outskirts when a player from Tampa Bay pushed him into the windows. The next thing we all knew, Mitch had him on the floor and was just laying into him. The refs managed to get him up and he grabbed his hockey stick, snapping it in half.

"Fucking hell." My dad whispered and I made my way down the tunnel as Mitch was escorted down it. Mike gave me a look and I just nodded, making my way into the locker room where Mitch was kicking over chairs and swearing.

"Mitch!" I yelled and he stopped, not even looking at me before walking towards his bench. "What are you doing? You could've blown the whole game there!" I exclaimed.

"He fucking pushed me." Mitch said angrily and I scoffed and shook my head.

"Mitch! You play Hockey, last week you lost a tooth! Being pushed has never bothered you before." I said walking towards him. He bowed his head and I stood in front of him. "What's wrong Mitch, you've been off with everyone lately." I said and he stood up, turning around and pulling his stuff off.

"This is the first time you've spoken to me since the party. That was last Sunday." Mitch said over his shoulder as he pulled off his top. The sudden sadness weighing on my shoulders one again. "I don't know what I've done, Lil. Or what I said, but for some reason, you not talking to me has me fucked up." Mitch said and I closed my eyes and walked over to Auston's bench, deciding the truth was probably the best option.

"As you know, the only people I ever trusted was Aus and my dad. But all of a sudden, you and the lads came into my life and I started trusting more people. But it was you." I said and Mitch looked up at me. "It was always you, you were all I could ever thing about, always on my mind. When you were near me it was like everything was going to be okay, I was going to be okay." I whispered and Mitch stared at me. "I'd never felt that way with anyone. So if scared me, I thought maybe not talking to you for a while would make it go away. But it didn't, it just hurt." I whispered and Mitch made his way over to me, crouching down in front of me.

"Lil, look at me." Mitch whispered and I looked at him, my gaze falling on his. He placed his hand on my knee to steady himself.

"I feel the same way." Mitch said quietly and I just let out a deep breathe.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. He pulled away and got dressed before the guys came in.

"What the fuck was that out there." Will asked coming into the locker rooms and looking at Mitch who wore a dad look on his face.

"I'm sorry guys. I've got a lot going on in my head. I could've blew it out there but I promise, I'll clean my act up for Wednesday." Mitch said and the guys all just nodded, Auston throwing his arm around Mitch's shoulder.

"It's okay buddy, we've got you. You know we're all here for you. Right?" He asked and Mitch nodded with a smile, looking at me.

"Yeah I know." He nodded, looking back to Auston who just nodded and smiled. The guys all got changed and Mitch and I were first to leave, making our way out of the stadium and towards my car. Mitch climbed into the drivers seat while I sat in the passengers seat with a smile on my face. We drove back to my place, the usually short journey seeming to take forever. When we pulled up outside of my house, Mitch turned and looked at me.

"Listen Lilly, I like you, a lot." Mitch said quietly and I nodded. "I just don't want to end up hurting you, I'm not always going to be here." He said sadly and I turned to him, placing my hands on each side of his face.

"I know Mitch." I whispered. "It's okay. I don't mind." I said and he leaned forward. It's cliché, but the minute our lips touched, I felt like my body was on fire. I remember my dad telling me what it was like when he kissed my mum for the first time. How right it felt. That's what if felt like kissing Mitch.

"Tacos for dinner?" I asked as he pulled away, he chuckled and nodded.

"Soft or hard shell?" He asked unclipping his seat belt and opening the door, still looking at me as I thought carefully.

"Soft." I answered back and he screwed his face up. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car behind him. Smiling as he held out his hand for me to take.

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