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I lay on the ice, padded up and ready to fight, but not fully ready to play. I was staring at the ceiling as Jesse and Eric skated around me, poking me with their sticks and having a casual conversation with each other. The ice was cool and I felt like I was on fire, my skin felt like it was burning, but I pushed myself up from the ice. Chills ran over my body again but I was sweating, every seemed to distant.

"You ready, Lil?" Jesse asked bumping my shoulder like we usually did. But when he did it this time, I just fell over, completely loosing my balance. "Woah, are you okay?" He asked quickly.

"Yeah. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said trying to push myself up from the floor, yet I felt weak, so I held out my hands and Eric and Jesse helped me up.

"You good to play?" Eric asked and I just waved him off.

"I'm fine." I snapped and both guys shared a look with each other but shrugged. I took my place on Right wing, looking up but everything seemed blurry. Yet he minute the puck dropped, I was ready. Through the whole first period I was lacking and my team mates were beginning to notice, Emilie called me to the bench and sat me down, taking off my helmet, making my head fall to the side a little.

"Fucking hell Lilly, you're sweating so bad." She whispered and Corwin looked at her confused.

"She was just on the ice?" He questioned and I quickly grabbed the water, throwing it down my throat. Finishing the bottle in one go. I shivered as Emilie held her hand to my forehead and to the sides of my face, concern washing over her very quickly as I began to shiver.

"We gotta get her to the hospital, Corwin." She said quickly rushing me towards the changing rooms. I wasn't sure what was going, I just couldn't stop shaking. Emilie stripped me down and helped me get changed into my normal clothes. The end of the first period meant all the boys came into the changing room.

"What's going on?" Luca asked as Emilie grabbed our stuff and threw it in our bags and I just shivered, resting my head on the side of my cubbie.

"Lil's got a high fever. I've gotta her her to the hospital." Emilie said quickly, rushing me out of the room, she rushed us out the car and straight towards the hospital.

"Y-you gotta call, Mitchy." I stuttered as Emilie drove, she placed her hand on my knee as we drove and smiled sadly.

"Lilly, you haven't spoke to Mitch since Christmas, which was 3 weeks ago." She said softly and I just swallowed harshly, wishing I had water on me.

"Please phone Mitch." I said quietly. Everything seemed to be fading slowly, I felt tired, my body ached and I couldn't stop shivering. When we got to the hospital, Emilie rushed us to reception and said something quickly to the front desk which I didn't understand. The minute the woman seen me she called over a doctor and after that I blacked out.


I woke up to the sound of someone clearing their throat. I could barely open my eyes, feeling weak, I gripped the sheets as tight as I could, which was basically nothing. The feeling of someone placing their hand in mine made me finally open my eyes and tilt my head to the side. Freddie sat with a smile on his face and I smiled at him weakly.

"Hey." I whispered, my voice hoarse and scratchy from being asleep. Freddie handed me a glass of water and smiled a little wider.

"Hey." He said back as I downed the glass of water. I placed the cup to the side and reduced to sit up, Freddie helping me. My body felt like jelly and i felt myself trembling slightly.

"Your dad called me when he got the phone call, he tried to get in touch with your Uncle Dillon and Auston but no one would answer, except for me." Fred said and I just smiled at him sadly, glad he was here but I was wishing it was Mitch.

"The last thing I remember is standing by the desk, it's a blur after that." I said closing my eyes as a sharp pain made its way through my head.

"You fell back, you hit your head really bad. Emilie and a doctor tried to catch you, but you fell to the floor quick. You had a pretty bad concussion but you've been out of it for a few days." Freddie said and I widened my eyes at him.

"Days?" I asked loudly, but my voice had limits it seemed because it came out as a whisper. Freddie nodded and pulled out his phone, showing me the date. 3 days after I had passed out. "Fucking hell." I whispered and Freddie just smiled tiredly. "How long have you been here?" I asked and he just smiled and shook his head.

"Since you passed out. I left and came back, I didn't want you to wake up alone." He said and I looked at him gently. I noticed how tired he looked at placed my hand on his.

"Go home Freddie, I'm okay now. Get the doctor to come in and he can tell me what's happening. It's late, you should sleep." I said and he just stared at me for a few seconds before nodding and getting up. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead before leaving and stopping a doctor on his way out. I let my head fall gently back against the pillow as I water for someone to come in. The pain in my head was almost unbearable as the sound of white noise surrounded me.

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