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Jesse threw a paper air plane from one side of the room to the other, Luca and I were stood at where he was aiming while him and Emilie were stood together. There was a power cut and none of us were willing to go home so early, so we were finding our own sort of entertainment. Jesse had suggested the paper airplane experiment and Luca and I were the only ones down for the idea, while Emilie decided to just see how it goes. We had spent the past 20 minutes, flying the plane back and forth, getting excited when either side caught it.

"You guys get excited at anything." Corwin said rolling his eyes as he walked past with a bunch of papers in hand. Jesse turned back to Luca and I and shrugged, throwing the plane again, this time Luca catching it. But before the game could progress, I saw a familiar face walk into the office in the corner of my eye.

"What're you doing here?" I asked Mitch from across the office as I made my way over, his pressing a kiss to my forehead as people watched the interaction.

"The powers down at the rink so we got to go home early. I was just wondering if you needed a ride home?" He asked and I turned to Corwin who just nodded and shrugged, looking up at the clock. I just smiled and looked back to Mitch.

"Yeah sure. Just let me get my stuff." I said and walked over to my desk. Jesse striked up a conversation with Mitch as I grabbed my stuff. Once I grabbed my stuff, I told everyone I'd see them tomorrow and we walked out of the office, climbing into Mitch's car.

"You wanna stop and get something to eat on the way back to mines?" I asked and Mitch thought about it for a second but shook his head.

"Nah, your dad said there was stuff in the pantry, we could make something." He said resting his hand on my thigh. I smiled and placed my hand over his as we drove. "Your dad called by the way, something about an email that came through to him instead of your email." Mitch said raising his eyebrow and I just shrugged as he focused his attention back on the road. It didn't take us long to get home and when we did, Mitch went straight to the kitchen to grab the ingredients to make chicken and salad. I pulled out my phone and quickly looked at my emails, deciding to read it out loud.

'Dear Miss Harrington,

We are addressing you on behalf of the University of New York City. We would like to offer you a place to study Journalism and Communication. We have been in talks with your father over the past few weeks and we would fully like to offer you this opportunity. Please get back to us with your answer within the next week. If you agree we will arrange a meeting in the next few weeks. We hope you do agree to join us.

Helen Wright.'

I stared down at my phone as Mitch stared at me, complete shock settling on my shoulders as I swallowed harshly. I felt sick, very sick. I quickly made my way to the bathroom beside the kitchen and threw up, Mitch rushed in and held my hair, rubbing my back as I threw up, the whole situation not yet settling in. I really couldn't catch s fucking break.

"Oh god." I whispered as I slid down the wall, putting my head in my hands. Mitch slid down next to me and rested his arm on my knees which were tucked into my chest. He placed his hand in mine, making me look up, he handed me a glass of water and I smiled at him sadly. "Thank you." I whispered and he smiled, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

"I think you should do it." He said quietly after a while and I looked at him confused, a calm look settled on his face as he finally looked at me. "Think about the opportunity, Lilly. You've got an amazing mind and doing something like this would only help you to improve. You can't let an opportunity like this go." Mitch said looking at the shower and I just swallowed harshly.

"But what about the guys, my home, Toronto, you... what about us Mitch?" I asked looking at him and he looked at me with a small smile, leaning forward and kissing my forehead.

"We've managed all this time, Lil. Through every single argument, we've broken up, been on a break. But look at us now, sitting on your bathroom floor after you just threw up. I'm telling you to go, Lilly. I'll always love you and It'll never stop, but you deserve this." He said and I looked at him for a few seconds.

"I'll have to talk to Auston." I said and he chuckled, but nodded with a large smile across his face.

"You can talk to Auston, but he'll say the exact same thing Lilly. We all want what's best for you." Mitch said and I just smiled slightly and rested my head on his shoulder, he brought his arm around my shoulder and placed it on my head, kissing the top of my head and chuckling lightly.

"The only person who might have an objection is Will." He joked and I just laughed. It was the truth, the guy and I were platonic soul mates.

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