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My dad was pacing around my hospital room as Doctor Jamison got me set for leaving. We both shared a look and a chuckle as my dad asked for the 5th time if this was safe for me to go. He had been panicking ever since i called him this morning to pick me up, he told me that I was being silly, but when i told him i was authorised to leave, he just sighed deeply and agreed to pick me up. None of the guys knew i was coming, only Gards and Will.

"So you're sure she'll be fine? She's not gonna pass out or anything?" My dad asked again and I just sighed as Doctor Jamison placed a hand on my dads shoulder, making him turn and look at him.

"Mr Harrington, I know you are worried, but Lilly will be fine for the time shes gone, shes just gotta stay in the wheel chair and not get to excited. If she starts to feel weak, take her to a quiet place, somewhere away from the crowd and just talk to her. It'll be fine." Doctor Jamison reassured my dad who just nodded and took a deep breathe.

"Now lets go, Gards and Will are gonna be wondering where I am." I chuckled and my dad just nodded, wheeling me out of the room. It took us literally only a few minutes to get to the arena and when we did, dad wheeled me straight towards the changing rooms where the guys were hyping themselves up.

"I can hear the dreadful sound of country music from the hospital." I said as Dad wheeled me into the room, the lads all cheered and swarmed round me in their pads, hugging me and poking fun at my wheelchair, I chuckled and kicked Kappy who was poking my shoulder.

"I thought you weren't allowed to leave for another week?" Auston asked and I just shrugged and smiled towards the guys.

"I wanted to see you guys play, it's been a while. Being stuck in that hospital is pretty draining." I said and Patty just ruffled up my hair, making me laugh. The guys all talked then got back to getting ready but Freddie just loooked at me with a smile.

"We'll take you on the ice for the national anthem." He said and before i could protest, the guys were called and preddie was already taking me towards the ice. The minute the cold air hit me, I took a deep breathe, smiling slightly as i was wheeled onto the ice, something you weren't allowed to do. I looked for Mitch and found him, he was staring at me with a slight smile as Freddie stopped my wheelchair infront of him.

"On the ice in the second number 16 jersey, we have Lilly Harrington, who had been in hospital for the past two weeks. From the Maple Leaf family, we wish you a speedy recovery Lilly." The announcer said over the speakers and i just looked up at Freddie who was smiling through his mask. When the national anthem was over, Mitch wheeled me to the tunnel around to faace him as he leaned forwad, resting his hands on the arms of my wheelchair.

"I love you Mitch." I said and he looked at me almost shocked, I picked up his helmet from my lap and reached forward, messing up his hair with a chuckle. "Go out there and enjoy yourself, okay?" I asked and he just leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to my lips, I smiled when he pulled away and kissed his helmet for good luck. My dad smiled and shook his head as Mitch took to the ice.

Dad and I were up in premium seating with a few friends and my Uncle Dillon, by the time we got up there we had already scored and i was happy to know it was Aus that scored. I focused all my attention on the game, cheering when we scored and just genuinely enjoying myseld. During the end of period two, my Uncle Dillon approached me with a large smile.

"It's good to see you out and about, your dads been frantic ever since you went into the hospital." My uncle Dillon said and I just smiled and looked at my dad who was laughing with a group of guys I'd never seen before.

"He worries too much sometimes." I said and looked at my Uncle Dillon who shook his head.

"He has a right to worry, Lil. You are his daughter and he never realised you were suffering so bad. Him and Mitch even got into an argument after you went into the hospital. Mitch had came to see if you were alright, but your dad blamed him. he was scared, he didn't want to loose you and your mum." My Uncle Dillon said and I just looked at my dad wo was smiling now, just looking down on the ice.

"I'm so lucky." I whispered, genuinely thankful for everything I had in those few minutes. I wheeled myself over next to my dad, resting my head on his side. He placed his hand on my head and chuckled.

"You okay?" He asked and I just nodded, watching as the guys skated back on, hungry to score more goals in the last period.

"I love you dad." I said and he smiled and leaned down, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too, Pumpkin." he said as he pulled back, I looked over at my Uncle Dillon who just smiled and nodded before going to join a few friends.

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