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I sighed heavily as Mitch ran his fingers through my hair. We were laid on the sofa, my dad gone again on another 'trip' to Chicago. By this point the whole team were trying to figure out what was going on, I mean I was completely lost for ideas on what he was doing. Mitch pouted slightly as the dog in the movie watched his owner drive away.

"Hey, I've got stuff to do today. What're you gonna be doing?" I asked looking up at him from where my head was laid in his lap, his hands still running through my hair.

"I've got training then we're all going out for drinks. You should join." Mitch suggested, wiggling his eyebrows as he poked my side. Making me laugh loudly and place my hand on his cheek.

"Yeah that would be good." I said, sitting up and pressing a kiss to his cheek. I went to get up, but he pulled me back down by the waist, pressing a long kiss to my lips, before breathlessly pulling away and standing up.

"Dick." I whispered as he sent me a wink and left the house. I groaned and flopped back on the sofa, taking a second to gain the mindset to get up. Once I did I gathered my stuff and left the house.

Ever since the argument I had with dad, I had stayed away from him in the house, he hadn't tried to talk to me so I didn't see the point in trying to talk to him. He wasn't telling me anything which hurt the most, but it was also very suspicious. He left 2 days after the argument and it's been a week since and he's still not back, but I'm enjoying the peace of the house on my own. I drove past the arena, smiling lightly at the large building as I made my way towards my destination.

"Hey, you must be Lilly?" A familiar face asked as he approached me and I rolled my eyes as he pulled me into a hug. We both chuckled as I pulled away.

"It's nice to see you too Corwin." I said as we walked into the TSN offices.

"Hey it's been so long. But you've still not changed a bit." He said and I looked at him confused as we climbed in the elevator. "Well I mean apart from the fact you cut your hair and you're dating Mitch Marner." He shrugged and I just rolled my eyes.

"Well you've definitely not changed." I said and he just laughed and shook his head. Once we got to the Bardown offices. I looked over the unfamiliar faces and I stood beside Corwin.

"Hey guys , this is Lilly Harrington." Corwin announced and people turned confused towards us.

"Harrington? Like as in Justin Harrington?" Brady asked confused and I looked at Corwin, crossing my arms and waiting for him to answer the confused people who were sat infront of us.

"Lilly is Justin Harrington's daughter, she's dating Marner and she's best friends with Nylander and Matthews? How do you guys not know who she is?" Corwin asked genuinely confused.

"I didn't even know Justin Harrington had a daughter." Luca said and I chuckled as everyone else agreed.

"I just fell coming in through the doors." A loud voice announced as he entered the office and I turned to see Jesse Pollock standing with a bag of food and a smile on his face.

"You must be Jesse Pollock. I met Jeff about 2 years ago when he was at my house, he told me about you." I said with a smile and Jesse looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wait, he actually knows Jesse?" Grady asked and I nodded with a chuckle as Jesse threw his arm around my shoulder.

"What'd I tell you guys!" He exclaimed loudly and I just shook my head with a chuckle. Corwin, Luca, DZ, Jesse, Grady and Emilie, spent the next hour and a half grilling me with questions, which was fun.

"What was it like for you after your dads accident on the ice?" Luca asked and I gulped down my glass of water before answering.

"It was horrible. I mean he had obviously been a recovering alcoholic at the time. I mean when he was in the hospital, I knew this was going to be a problem, like a big problem. It was such a shit thing seeing your dad slowly falling to pieces and you having no control over the situation." I explained and everyone nodded.

"I remember watching the game, sitting on my sofa. Everyone in my house went silent." DZ said and I just nodded. "The NHL lost an amazing player that day." He continued and I smiled gently at him. We spent a while longer talking about things and the guys interviewing me, until I decided I'd probably should get going.

"It was great to meet you, Lil." Jesse said pulling me into a hug and I chuckled, hugging him back.

"Yeah. If you ever need a job, they'll be somewhere here for you." DZ nodded and I just smirked and nodded until stopping for a second.

"Hey, you guys are packing up and stuff. Why don't you come with me and the team for drinks? They'll all be at the bar by now." I said and everyone just agreed to tag along. We all mad our way towards our cars and I drove Corwin, Luca, Jesse and Grady to the bar I was meeting the lads at.

"Hey! How did training go?" I asked Mitch as I approached him. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek before turning to Auston who was getting ready to answer.

"Yeah it was alright. I'm fucking tired though." He complained and chuckled before turning towards the door where my newfound friends walked through. Slowly everyone got acquainted and by the middle of the night, the bar was busy and I was talking to Emilie about my plans for the next few years. I hadn't seen Mitch in a while so decided to make my way further into the busy bar, looking for the pretty face I adored.

It only took me a few minutes to find him, but when I did, I swallowed the lump in my throat and watched as he whispered in some girls ear, laughing and joking about whatever. Before he could even look up to see me, I had disappeared from the bar. A worried Jesse following behind.

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