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I sighed loudly as I sat back in my chair, Jesse and Corwin arguing again about the game in a few hours time. They had been at it for hours now, both angry that the other was taking so much time to get ready, even though we wouldn't have to leave for a while now. I looked down at my phone, multiple phone calls from my dad, Mitch, Auston, Will and some of the lads flashed up on my screen. I closed my eyes and shut my phone off again.

"Have you still not spoke to them?" Corwin asked suddenly turning to me and I just opened my eyes and looked into his concerned ones.

"Nows just not the time." I shrugged and both Jesse and Corwin just nodded. They both went back to arguing again until Luca finally told us all that we were leaving.

"Hey, you sure about this Lil?" DZ asked and I nodded with a laugh.

"Guys, I can play hockey. It's in my blood." I chuckled and Jesse just pursed his lips and shrugged, Corwin nodding along with me as I spoke, him knowing I could play hockey. "I spent years studying it, watching it, my dad used to bring me along to every game." I said and Jesse laughed.

"That doesn't surprise me to be honest." He joked and I rolled my eyes with a smirk. I had been staying with Jesse since the night that I seen Mitch with that girl, Corwin had offered for me to stay at his, but Jesse had the room. We had spent the past week, rewatching my  dads old hockey tapes and watching old movies.

Once we got to the rink, I got kitted up, I was nervous, but I wouldn't let it show. Corwin had asked me to play last night, I was half drunk and we were hanging off of Jesse's couch. He brought up the idea and I promised, but only once. We made our way out onto the ice, the sudden realisation setting in as I took center.

"Fucking hell." I whispered and looked up through my viser. The minute the puck dropped, I felt as if I was floating. Through the first 2 periods, I never left the ice, the puck at the end of my stick for most of the second period. I had scored us 3 goals, Corwin was cheering me on from the sidelines, I could hear him clearly. It was only at the start of the third period I decided I'd come off the ice, scared I'd wear myself out. When I made my way to the side, I noticed two familiar faces. Jesse looked to where I was looking and I smirked as I noticed Wills mouth hanging open.

"Can't make this shit up." Will said shocked and without hesitation Auston wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I felt bad, I knew he would be worried, I knew he'd want to know where I was.

"Where have you been? We've been calling you for days, we thought you ran away." Auston said pulling back and by the time I was about to answer. The game was over and everyone was shaking the hands of the other team. I excused myself quickly to join in, smiling and shaking everyone's hands.

"Lilly has definitely just won us the game!" Jesse announced and threw an arm around my shoulder. But everyone was already focused on the two guys standing by the bleachers. I sighed and made my way over to them and we took a seat.

"You did amazing out there Lil, your dad would be really proud." Auston said and I just nodded sadly, i was proud of myself, I had never felt the way I did when I was out on that ice.

"That was amazing, Lil. But what the hell happened to you?" Will asked and I sighed and shook my head, looking over to Jesse and Corwin who wore a smile of happiness as they hugged.

"It was when we were at that bar. I was talking to Emilie when I noticed I hadn't seen Mitch in a while, I decided I'd try and find him. After about 5 minutes of looking, I finally found him. He was whispering and laughing in some other girls ear, she was touching his chest and he was letting her. So I ran out, Jesse chased after me and I've been staying at his ever since." I admitted. "I didn't need this whole situation with my dad and Mitch, I wanted to try new things. So I've been working at Bardown, writing articles and filming videos. I love it." I said with a happy tone and Auston smiled, genuinely.

"I'm happy for you, Lil. I'm sorry about, Mitch. We'll talk to him. But you should call your dad, he's been really worried. He doesn't want to loose you and your mum. He misses you a lot." Will said and I just sighed and nodded. He went down to speak to the guys while Auston stayed with me for a few minutes.

"You could've called me at least." Auston said finally looked at me and I just smiled and ruffled his hair, pulling him into a hug.

"What a sap." I laughed and he just chuckled. Once they had spoken to the guys and we had all got dressed. I decided that tomorrow I'd go and see dad, but I didn't want to see Mitch. It might have been unfair, but the trust was gone and all I had was a pit in my stomach and a sick feeling in my throat when I thought about him.

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