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I wandered through the furthest part of my house, it was blocked off from the main part of the house. Dad usually rented it out to people and we very rarely didn't have anyone staying there, but there was work getting done to the house. It was a big part of the house and had no way of getting through to mine and dads part of the house. Auston messed around with stuff behind me as we made our way to the top floor.

"Dad always told me there was stuff in the attic that we didn't take down when we started moving stuff out to rent it out." I said stopping underneath the attic door. It was locked and the only key to get into it was on my keys.

"Does he know what we're doing?" Auston asked and i shook my head, opening the utility room and grabbing the ladder to unlock the padlock.

"I said to him the other day that i wanted to look at everything up here before Mitch and i decided on a place. He told me to wait until he gets back, but you know me, I'm curious." I shrugged and Auston just sighed as i pushed open the hatch. I climbed down the ladder and placed it to the side, before pulling down the other ladder.

"What if you find something up here thats like, big. Like a deep family secret or something." Auston said as he went up the ladder first and i just rolled my eyes at his dramatic ass.

"That shit only happens in movies and fanfiction." I said as i followed up behind him. The attic wasn't really an attic. It had chairs and a table, a tv and a sofa, it was like another room . But there was a closed off room that had the same lock as the one that opened the attic.

"This place is cool. Why don't we use this place to hang out?" Auston asked and I looked over the large picture of my dad which was taken on the day the leafs beat the Jets.

"Auston, we have the Den. Literally a massive tv, playstation, pool table, a bar, huge sofas and a hot tub. Also dad shut this place off when he got into the accident. He said it was too painful to look at since he and the guys would hang out here after games. We used to be able to into here from the main house through the other attic but dad blocked it off." I said walking towards the other room, unlocking the door and staring inside.

"Are we going to take the boxes to the main house?" Auston asked but i had already grabbed one of the boxes and lugged it over to the sofa. Sitting on it and crossing my legs. "Alright then." He whispered as he grabbed a box too, sitting on the floor.

We spent what seemed like hours searching through the boxes. I didn't have a specific thing I was looking for, it was more looking for stuff that I needed to take with me to the house. I also wanted to find some photos of Auston and I that dad had accidentally packed away about a year ago. Three hours into looking through the boxes and a massive pile of stuff later, Auston found the photos and a photo of me and my mum.

"God we look so young. It's weird how much time has passed." I chuckled as I looked over the photos, smiling at us. I was on Auston's back and we were on a trip to Florida, one we had taken to relax after a very busy few weeks after the playoffs.

"You look so cute. I wonder what happened." Auston joked as he chucked the photo of me and my mum at me. I leaned forward and smacked the back of his head before picking up the photo. It was a photo of me and my mum at the hospital when I was born, she was smiling and holding me in her arms. When I fully looked at her, my breathe caught in my throat and I choked.

"What's wrong?" Auston asked turning around as I stared down at the photo, a knot tying in my stomach.

"Auston. That's not my mum, I don't know who that woman is." I whispered and Auston looked at me confused, taking the photo from my hand and staring down at it.

"Maybe it's just a mix up, maybe the baby isn't you or something, don't you have cousins?" Auston asked and I swallowed harshly.

"Yeah I have cousins. But that woman isn't my auntie and that is definitely me. There's other photos of me that day." I said quickly and stood up, walking straight towards the hatch and climbing out of the attic.

"Lilly, where are you going? You can't just leave?" Auston said quickly coming up behind me as we made our way outside into the driveway. When I realised my dad wasn't home, I finally turned to Auston. He wore a worried look. I'd never acted this way before, slamming doors and yelling.

"Oh god Auston. What if I'm adopted." I whispered and finally threw down the photo as I stood at the kitchen counter.

"Don't be stupid, Lil. You and your dad are far too similar." Auston said finally coming up to me, taking my face in his hands. "Calm down, okay? Your dad will be home soon, then you guys can talk about this." Auston said and I just sighed and nodded. He leaned down and pressed a long kiss to my forehead. I smiled slightly and nodded when he pulled away.

"What a sap." I joked as I swatted his stomach, walking towards the fridge to grab us both a smoothie.

"What can I say. When it comes to you, I actually do care." He joked also and I just rolled my eyes and smiled. It was nice having someone as a brother figure in my life.

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