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The guys and i decided to rent out a lake house for some of the Christmas break. We had a few cabins and then one large cabin in basically the middle of nowhere. The lake was frozen over completely which meant the boys spent a lot of the ays we were there just skating on the ice and messing around, me jumping in occasionally. Mitch had been by my side ever since Christmas Day. Auston showed the video to all of the guys on the vhs camera, the team awed and clapped Mitch on the back and he just continued to smile more and more.

"Hey Mitchy, you coming on the ice?" Jake asked and Mitch glanced up from his phone and shook his head. I looked at Jake who looked at me confused but I just shrugged and turned to Mitch who had a blanket wrapped around him and a pair of joggers.

"Why don't you want to play with the guys?" I asked standing up to go grab my stuff so I could join the guys, pulling on my skates and jacket.

"Im not really feeling it. Go and enjoy yourself, I'll be here when you get back." He said and I just stared at him for a moment before pressing a kiss to the side of the head and making my way out to the lake. The guys hadn't started yet so I jumped in Morgan and Patty's team, seizing my opportunity. Halfway through the game, I stuck my stick out in front of Kadri who was skatimg beside me and he flew across the Ice, making me and the guys burst out laughing.

"That's a penalty!" Naz said getting up from the ice but I was to busy double over in laughter. Naz chuckled and pushed me slightly before getting back to the game. I won us the game within the last few minutes and we all celebrated, Freddie picking me up from around my waist and spinning around the ice, making me laugh uncontrollably. When he put me down, I caught a glimpse of Mitch who looked away from the ice and made his way back into the house. I skate away and towards the steps that led into the house, leaving the guys to celebrate.

"Mitchy? You okay?" I asked quietly as I took my skates off, making my way into the large sitting room where Mitch was sat on the sofa, the blanket again placed around his shoulders. "We won the game, Jake's cooking tonight which is probably the best option." I laughed flopping down on the sofa next to him, the minute I did, he turned to me, pain in his eyes.

"Don't go to New York." Mitch said quickly and I looked at him wide eyed, confused by the sudden change of mood towards the whole situation.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded and confused, his eyes held pain and I could see a nervousness take over him.

"Think about Lil, we're never going to see each other. You're never gonna see the guys, your dad. You said yourself that Toronto is your home." Mitch said suddenly and I was so confused, I didn't even notice Morgan and Jake walk in.

"Mitch. Where's this come from? New York's only an 8 hour travel from Toronto and also I'm gonna be home every chance I can get. It's not like I'm gonna leave and never see you again." I said getting up from the couch and Mitch just got up after me.

"Be realistic Lil, you're gonna be in classes and hanging out with the guys. Over time, you'll forget we all exist." Mitch said and I stopped in my tracks from where I was walking, turning around and staring at him.

"Mitch. You sat on my living room floor and told me you'd love me no matter what. You told me to take this opportunity, I took it because of you. Don't sit there and tell me that I'll never think of you guys, because their isn't a day that I don't think of you guys. You and the guys are my entire life, I literally have nothing but my dad and you guys, that's it, that's literally it. But if you're so worried Mitch that we're not gonna work, maybe, maybe it won't." I said all at once, never thinking of the words that left my mouth.

"Maybe it won't." He said quietly and I just closed my eyes as we stood in silence for a few seconds. He stood up straight and nodded. "Okay then." He said and walked off to our shared room. I didn't open my eyes but walked over to the sofa and flopped back on it.

"You okay, Lil?" Morgan asked, placing his hands on my shoulder and I just sighed and leaned against his arm.

"I have no idea anymore." I said, playing with the necklace that was around my neck. The rest of the night, Mitch never left our room and I slept with Auston. I stared at the ceiling the whole night, the sound of Goat and Freddie arguing over something for hours keeping me occupied from my thoughts. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. So I left the room and grabbed my skates, making my way out to the ice. I skated for a while, playing hand eye coordination with the puck.

"You should wear a jacket." Zach said and I smiled and passed him the puck, which he caught with his stick.

"Thanks dad." I chuckled and he just smiled and nodded, shrugging slightly before passing me back the puck. We passed the puck back and forth a few times before he finally spoke up.

"Lil, Mitch doesn't mean what he says. You know that right?" He asked and I looked up from stick and smiled sadly with a gentle nod.

"I know he doesn't mean it. But maybe he's right, if you think about it, I'm gonna be in New York and we're gonna be busy as hell." I said and shot the puck to the middle of the ice.

"Do you love him, Lilly? Like really love him?" Zach asked and I nodded, without any hesitation. He chuckled and smiled. "Then it'll work." He said and I just sighed and looked towards the bedroom where the light was still on.

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