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The doctors had started to give me iron tablets to build up the iron in my body. I was anemic and it wasn't hard to see after a while. I was still in the hospital and dad was home now which meant he was with me all of the time. Mitch hadn't been back since when he apologised which was a few days ago and I was already missing him, but I swallowed my tears and cracked a smile when Will and Gards walked in with a little present basket and the biggest smile on their faces.

"I told you we'd get you a present basket." Will said placing it on my lap and I just smirked and peered inside. I'd be jumping for joy if I could, their was a tiny little teddy bear placed on top of a blanket and a hot water bottle.

"I love you guys so much." I said as Gards squeezed into the bed next to me and Will sat on the chair, propping his feet up on the bed and looking around.

"How long have you got led to stay here?" Jake asked and I just sighed and placed the present basket to the side.

"Another 2 weeks, if I don't improve their gonna see what they can do. I really fucked myself up." I shrugged and Willy looked at Gards who just kind of sadly half smiled at Will.

"What exactly happened after we got back from the lake house? Because we didn't see you for 2 weeks, then the week before you were in hospital, you came to see us play and you looked terrible, like really bad." Will said and I just chuckled half heartedly.

"Thanks Willy." I said and he smiled at me softly. "When we got back from the Lake house, the last thing I wanted to think about was Mitch, so I threw myself into work, I just worked all the time, I started playing more games with bardown, I went our drinking a few times with some buds. I sometimes just forgot to eat. Then for about a week straight, I never ate more than a piece of toast and I only drank water, I knew what I was doing, but I didn't mean it. The week that I saw you guys is when I was starting to feel ill. I just wasn't doing well at all." I said and both guys just nodded.

"I'm glad you're alright, Lil. When we got the call we were in the changing rooms, Mitch was all over the place, he was almost crying. We had to tell him to shut the fuck up and sit down, he was starting to stress our everyone." Gards said and I just smiled sadly at the mention of Mitch's name.

"How is he?" I asked and Will just shrugged and looked at Gards.

"He's not Mitch, I'd say at least. He's been a bit distant lately, but he seems to be playing intensely. Some of the guys are scared he's gonna tire himself out." Willy said and I just sighed and shook my head.

"When are you guys next playing?" I asked and Will looked at me confused while Gards Just answered the question.

"Tomorrow afternoon." He said and I just nodded and pulled out my blanket from my present basket.

"I'll be there." I said with a nod and both guys looked at each other concerned. "Now would you both mind wheeling me to the outside. It's stuffy in here." I said attempting to get up. Will helped me over to the wheel chair that was placed in my room and Gards helped me get my jacket on and placed the blanket over my legs.

"It's freezing out there, Lil. You sure about this?" Will asked and I nodded eagerly.
I smiled at some people who gawked at re two hockey players wheeling their friend out of the hospital and into the freezing cold air. Both guys just stood at each side of me and we stared out into the traffic.

"The doctors were talking about New York and how if I don't improve in the next few weeks that it doesn't look promising. I'm supposed to be moving to New York in a month and a half and I have nothing ready, they don't even know if I can go." I said and Gards looked at Will before resting his hand on my shoulder.

"It'll all be alright, Lilly. We're all here for you." He said and I just nodded and smiled, knowing that I had all the guys on my side and my dad. I wasn't bothered about New York at the minute, I was more worried about Mitch, which was maybe unhealthy but it stopped me from worrying about myself and made me just want to get better faster. When the guys decided to wheel me back inC I sighed as I felt the warm air hit me in the face again, it was a nice feeling.

"You want anything while we're out here?" Will asked leaning over my shoulder as people stared, I thought for a second but shrugged and screws my face up.

"Nah, I think I'm good. I kinda just want to go back to bed now." I laughed and both Will and Jake smiled and nodded. They wheeled me back to my room and after s while of talking the left to get to bed early for the game tomorrow. I fell asleep not long after they left, after pleading with the doctor to let me go tomorrow, he finally accepted and I was happy to go sleep and wake up fresh and ready to go.

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