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When i woke up, i heard the sound of male voices. I jumped up from where i lay, making my way quickly into the waiting room. Auston was arguing with my mum, i could tell because they both had angry looks on their faces. But when Mitch turned around so did both Auston and my mum. Auston slowly made his way over to me as my mum looked on in confusion. It took him a second but he pulled me into him, i sobbed into his chest as he smoothed down my hair. Once i pulled away, I pointed to my dads room and the doctor nodded with a smile in my direction.

"Hey." Mitch whispered as he approached, my mother watched his every move as he took my face in his hands, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. I melted into him. When he pulled back, i smiled gently at him. He hugged me closer to him and when i pulled away, my mother approached me.

"Lilly. Can we talk?" She asked and i shook my head. Mitch watched from beside me, his arm looped around my waist in a supportive manner.

"You can talk to me when dad wakes up, then you can both tell me what the fuck happened and why you're all of a sudden at this hospital. When you weren't here the first time he got sick from alcohol addiction after YOU left. Or when he got into his accident. Or the second time he was in hospital because he got ill again." I said loudly and angrily, my mum wore pain on her face but i didn't care. "Tell me mum, why come back into his life when hes back healthy, not able to play Hockey anymore and has more money?" i spat. I pulled back and made my way back towards the hospital room, Mitch trailing behind.

When i walked into the room, Corwin was sat on the sofa while Auston looked at my dad. I could tell he was upset, he was just gazing down at my dad with a hurt look on his face. As much as he was my dad, he acted like a second dad to Auston. We all stood in silence until Corwin stood up.

"I'm gonna go get us checked into the hotel, I'll come back when im done. Do you want anything?" He asked and i shook my head with a sad smile. He nodded and looked back at my dad before nodding again and making his way out into the hall. Mitch plopped himself down on the sofa while i slowly approached Auston who was now sat on the chair, looking at my dad.

"What happened?" Auston asked as i placed my hand on his shoulder. I shrugged lightly as i sat on the arm of the chair, my hand still firmly placed on Auston's shoulder.

"Well i was doing a quiz at Bardown."  I whispered, clearing my throat before speaking a bit louder so Mitch could hear me. "When Corwin told me dad had gotten into a accident and was in the hospital. He was driving the speed limit when a drunk driver came round the corner and hit him." I said and took my hand off of Austons's shoulder, making my way over to my dad, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Will was going to come, but he pulled a hamstring." Mitch said witha quiet chuckle, i smirked Adam shook my head. "We won. They announced what happened to Mr Harrington at the end of the game. They did a kind of minute of silence." Mitch said with a sad smile and i nodded and made my way over to him. I sat down on the sofa next to him and he pulled me into his side, pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Auston said finally breaking his gaze towards my dad to look over at Mitch and I. I smiled and nodded slightly, looking at my dad with a warmer smile.

"You know him. He's been through it all, theres no way he's going to let a stupid car accident get in his way." I said with a chuckle. We sat around for a while longer, talking about the playoffs and me working at TSN. Corwin came back after a while and him and Auston went to get something to eat at the cafe, while Mitch and i stayed on the sofa, staring at my dad.

"So.. your mum?" He asked and i let out a sigh of frustration before answering him.

"The doctor said she was in the car with him. I couldn't believe it, the woman left when i was 11, i thought i would never see her again, nevermind finding her at the hospital after shes just been in a car accident with my dad, the man she left those years ago. I mean, why didn't he tell me? I mean something like this i deserve to know." I rambled, tears spilling from my eyes as Mitch pulled me into him as i cried, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Hey, its okay Lil. It'll be okay." Mitch reassured me as he smoothed down my hair. He held me, i knew he was right, about everything being alright, but with the past couple of days, the thought of anything positive coming out of this situation felt almost impossible. When Corwin and Auston came back, Mitch told them he was taking me for a walk to freshen myself up a bit. When we walked past the waiting room, my mum wasn't there. I was partly thankful but i also worried she wouldn't come back. Leaving my dad heart broken once again.

"I'm gonna miss my hockey game tomorrow." i pouted and Mitch laughed lightly, throwing an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer into his side. I smiled as he started rambling about last nights game. It was a good distraction.

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