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Mitch's hand rested on my bare back as I lay on his chest, quietly humming along to a song that played in the living room from the music channel. We had been laying for hours, my dad was away for the weekend again, he seemed to never be home recently. The sun poured into my room as the patio doors were wide open, letting the summer breeze filter through my room.

"Do you have any idea why your dad has been going to Chicago so much?" Mitch asked and I shook my head, opening my eyes.

"Auston said that maybe he's in a relationship but doesn't want to tell me. It's either that or he's doing some work stuff." I shrugged and sat up, pulling on Mitch's jumper and making my way out of bed.

"Maybe he's just taking time, remember when he said that he wanted to maybe start playing again?" Mitch asked climbing out of bed and pulling on his shorts before we made our way downstairs to make some dinner.

"I know he wants to play again, but it'll never happen." I said sadly, placing the burgers onto the island and Mitch grabbed a few plates and made his way out to the barbecue. "It'll only cause more damage and he knows that, I just wish if registered in his mind." I sighed as Mitch fired up the barbecue.

"The guy was a legend Lilly, it's gotta be hard not being able to play a sport that made you the person you are, your dad always tells us how Hockey made him the person he is." Mitch said and I scoffed, about to speak but the sound of Auston's voice floated through the house and into the garden.

"Woah, why are you in only shorts and why are you only wearing a t shirt and underwear?" Auston asked coming into the garden and I smirked and turned away. It had been a couple of weeks since Mitch and mines interaction in the locker room and we were dating.

"Best way to make barbecue." Mitch winked and I just shook my head. Auston looked between us both before letting a smirk rest on his face.

"You two are at it, finally." He said making his way to the outdoor seating area, flopping down on the sofa. I looked at Mitch confused who just shrugged.

"What'd you mean?" I asked and Auston Just closed his eyes and stared at the sun, waiting for a second before replying.

"You two were basically falling apart with your feelings for each other. I'm shit at this kind of stuff, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that you both had something going on." Auston shrugged and I looked at Mitch who was just smiling, staring down at the barbecue. I just smiled also and plopped myself down next to Auston.

"I have arrived!" Will yelled into my garden and I chuckled and he excitedly walked over to Mitch, stealing the first burger. "Listen, I'm hungry, okay?" He shrugged flopping down beside me and kicking his feet up on the table. I rolled my eyes and Mitch brought Auston  and I over a burger.

"You coming to New York with us next week, Lil?" Will asked finishing his burger and I looked at the guys confused, not knowing they were going to New York.

"I mean yeah sure, but I didn't know anything about it." I said and Auston looked at me confused, sharing a look with both of his friends.

"Your dad was the one who came up with it, I thought he would have told you." He said and I just sat my burger to the side and shrugged, getting up to get us all a drink.

"I haven't seen my dad more than 5 times in the last 3 weeks. He doesn't call. I don't know what's taken over him." I said as I came back out into the garden, bottles of water in hand.

"Isn't he coming home tonight?" Auston asked and I nodded. "Why don't you talk to him about it tonight, we'll all be doing our own things anyways, so it gives you some one to talk to your dad." He said and I just nodded with a smile.


Mitch left with a kiss on the cheek and a confused Will following behind, while Auston decided to stay back for a bit, but finally decided to leave after I reassured him I was alright for the 15th time that hour. I sighed gently as I heard the front door open and my dad walk in. The sound of him kicking off his shoes and making his way into the kitchen made me look up at him.

"Hey pumpkin." He said quickly, pressing a kiss to my forehead and quickly fumbling around to get something to eat. "I know I've just gotten back, but I've got a lot of work to do, so I was thinking maybe-" he went on but I cut him off, finally having enough of this.

"Why didn't you tell me you and the guys were going to New York next week? Also why are you always in Chicago dad? It's been weeks and I've barely seen you." I said. My my tone you could tell I was annoyed, but I was more hurt than annoyed in the end up. My dad sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his hands on the counter.

"I didn't tell you we were going to New York. Because I thought if I told you too late, you just wouldn't want to come." He said and I looked at him hurt. He looked away from me and down at his hands. "I csnt tell you why I've been in Chicago, it's too soon to tell you." He said quietly and I looked at him teary eyed as I set off towards the door. "Lilly, where are you going?"  He asked and I turned to him as I grabbed my shoes.

"Ever since I was 9 and I lied to you about breaking your hockey stick. We've had a no lying and no secrets policy in this house. If one of us is hurting, we tell each other, if one of us is in trouble, we tell each other." I said loudly and then finally snapped. "If one of us is going to Chicago most weeks, without telling his daughter what he's doing, or even just how long he's going to be gone!" I yelled and he took a step back, staring at me shocked. I tuned towards the door and grabbed my keys, slamming the door as I left. I climbed into my car and drove towards the rink.

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