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The Maple leafs were out of the playoffs much to Jesse's delight as they lost against the Jets. They played well and were strong, but the Jets just got them in the end up. The guys were obviously bummed out and Mitch had spent most of the week with his head in my lap as we watched sad movies and ate out feelings. But things were getting back on track and we were looking at places. We hadn't told anyone about our plans on moving in with each other, we wanted to wait until we had found the right house.

"Hey Lil. Can we talk?" My dad asked sitting next to me. Dad had been away on holiday for a week in Bora Bora with my Uncle Dillon, his treat. He was fairly tanned and of course looking as handsome as ever. He was recovering from the car accident slowly and although he still has aches and pains, it's not nearly as bad as it was.

"Yeah dad. Gotta be quick though, Auston and I are going for a walk." I said jumping over the couch and flopping down next to my dad. He turned to me and I could tell by the look on his face that this was going to be serious.

"It's about the whole situation with your mother and I. I still have to explain myself." He said and I went to speak but he cut me off by holding his hand up. "I know you want to act like she doesn't exist Lilly, Auston tells me stuff like that. But you have to hear what happened." He said and I just sighed.

"Remind me not to tell Auston my feelings." I said rolling my eyes but crossing my legs and turning to my dad. "Okay. I'll listen." I said and he smiled at me gently.

"When your mum heard that I was coming to Chicago for the Blackhawks and Maple leafs game, she decided to get in touch. I was hesitant at first but I agreed when she explained the situation. I knew your mother was in Chicago, she had been since she left. She's remarried and has a son." My dad said with a smile and I just closed my eyes but nodded. "She wanted to know how you were, how you were doing. Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to brag about how perfect you were, so I met her for lunch and over that day our friendship kind of ignited again." He explained.

"So that's why you kept going back?" I asked and dad looked at me slightly before looking back towards the tv.

"Actually. We were talking about your future. We both know you've always wanted to do Sports commentary, especially over Hockey. Something you've wanted to do since you were young. Your mother was talking about courses in New York that you can take, We think it would be a great opportunity." My dad said and I looked at him almost shocked.

"What do you mean 'we' there's no 'we' in this situation dad, it's you and me, not you and her. Ever since I was was 11 it's been 'us' not 'we' it'll never be that." I said getting up from the couch, trying to suppress my emotions.

"Lilly. This could be your big break, you new start in life, think of the positives instead of the negatives." My dad said sternly as he stood up after me.

"Dad there is no positive! I love Toronto, it's my home. The leafs are here, my job is here, my home is here, Auston's here, the guys are here... Mitch is here." I whispered the last part and my dad looked at me. "I have a future in Toronto and I like it, I like working at Bardown, I love my friends and I love Mitch." I said quietly towards my dad, I looked up at him and I could tell this hurt him. "Mitch and I are looking at houses, I'm going to view one with him after I walk with Auston. I love you dad, but my future is here and I like that. I'm not going to let the woman who was supposed to be my mother mess that up." I whispered as I grabbed my jacket and keys, making my way out into the driveway where Auston was waiting with a jacket. It was getting colder for some reason.

"Hey. You alright? You look like you've been crying." Auston asked as he held out his arm for me to take, which I did.

"Dad told me why he was meeting up with mum when going to Chicago. They were making plans for me to go to New York to study to be a sports commentator." I said quietly and Auston breathed out heavily.

"Isn't that what you've always wanted to do? You used to commentate the peewee games." He chuckled and I just smiled and shook my head.

"I thought that's what I wanted to do and although I love it. I also really enjoy working at Bardown, I also like staying in Toronto, you guys are here and my dads here. That's all I need." I said with a smile and Auston nudged me slightly with a smirk.

"Mitch is here." He cooed and I rolled my eyes and shoved him slightly with my hip.

"Yeah Mitch is here." I breathed our with a smile. "We're actually looking at places right now. He asked if we could move in together and of course I said yes." I said with a smirk and Auston stopped, looking at me.

"Wait are you being serious?" He asked and I chuckled and nodded. He smiled widely and hugged me, picking me up slightly. "Congratulations, Lilly. I'm happy that you're getting what you've always wanted." He said and I looked at him confused. "When you were drunk last year you told me you wanted a good boy and a nice house and that's all you've ever wanted." He said and I just groaned.

"Well I guess I did get it in the end." I said and he laughed as we continued to walk.

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