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Parties were a good way for me to act like everything was okay, beer pong in the kitchen and the lads playing playstation in the den while we all drank. The lads were tired, but they wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get drunk and have me cook them breakfast in the morning. Will was sitting on the kitchen counter while Mitch, Matt, Auston and I battled it out with beer pong, I was drunk but undefeated.

"You may as well just give up now guys, Auston and I win every single time." I giggled as Auston threw the ball and it landed in the second last cup. Mitch groaned and Matt picked up the cup, finishing it quickly before throwing it to the side and walking up to the table, a serious look in his eyes as he eyed up our second last cup, throwing it, the ball fell quickly into the cup and I groaned as Auston drank the cup.

"This is intense." Will commented and I sent him a cheeky smile as i got ready to throw the balls. The lads had started to gather round and I gave myself a minute before throwing. The room went silent as the ball left my hand, somehow it seemed to be going in slow motion and before even knew it, the ball was in the cup and Auston cheered loudly along with the rest of the guys.

"Good game, Lil. I know now not to play this game with you." Matt said as he pulled me into a hug and I just laughed. When he pulled away he hugged Auston and Mitch pulled me into him, kissing me passionately making the guys snicker and egg us on, I pulled away and rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Where's your dad?" Will asked jumping up next to me as i sat on the counter, Mitch between my legs as he leaned against me with his head against mine.

"I wasn't here when he left, but my Uncle Dillon told Auston they were going away for a few days and when he got back he'd tell me everything I needed to know. It was like after i showed him that photo, his heart just broke and i feel terrible about it. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and we live in the same house." I said and Mitch pecked my jawline before standing up properly again.

"I'm sure it'll all be okay in the end up." Will said throwing his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side. For most of the rest of the night, the guys NHL on the playstation and took turns playing pool. The bottles were slowly emptied and everyone was drunk, very drunk. I was happy most of the guys were calm and not freaking out, well except for Auston who was more drunk than me and that was a lot.

"Aus, I think its time for bed." I said as i drunkenly pulled the larger guy behind me. He was frantically mumbling about buying a cat for the house and i just giggled as I got him in the spare room. "Go to sleep you fool." I remarked in a strange accent, but as i looked back at Auston, he was stood up, staring at me.

"Lilly, I love you." He whispered quietly and I giggled, hitting his chest as i approached him.

"Yeah I love you too, you big idiot. Now go to sleep." I smiled as i looked up at him, but within second, he had my face in his hands and my lips were on his. I had kissed Auston on New Years for the past 3 years, even when he had a girlfriend, he kissed me quickly and then left for his girl. I'd never felt any sort of romantic feelings towards Auston and he hadn't felt anything like that towards me either.

"Oh god, Lil. I'm sorry." He whispered drawing back and resting his forehead against my own, but before I could respond, the sound of Mitch's voice filled the room and my heart sank.

"What the fuck." He whispered, pure anger evident in his voice. When i turned around, my heart broke at his facial expression.

"It's not what it looks like, Mitch. I promise." I said quickly, moving forward to grab his arm but he just stepped back.

"It looks like my girlfriend, kissing my best friend. That's what it fucking looks like!" He yelled and i choked on a sob as Auston pushed in front of me.

"I kissed her, Mitch. She didn't kiss back, I was caught up in the moment, I'm drunk. It was a mistake." Auston reasoned with the heartbroken Mitch who was still fuming. he stepped to the side and pointed towards the door. Auston looked back at me, before nodding and leaving the room. Once the door was shut, I looked up at Mitch, he walked past me and sat on the bed.

"I used to think love at first sight was bullshit, then i seen you in the tunnel that day. Hair up, wearing Austons jersey, laughing. I knew i wanted you in that moment, you're beauty in every form. But you have to talk to me, Lilly. You're not yourself and i can tell something else is in your mind apart from this thing with your mum." Mitch said finally looking up from his hands and looking at me. I closed my eyes and stood further away.

"I don't think i can do this right now." I whispered, tears running down my face rapidly. "I've tried to pull myself together, to be the best i can be for you,because that's whats you deserve. But, I can't do it." I said, finally looking at at him. He got to his feet and approached me, taking my face in his hands.

"You are good enough for me, Lil." He whispered and I pressed a kiss to his cheek before shaking my head, tears still running down my face, even when Mitch wiped them away. He looked in my eyes and at this point I was pleading for him to just agree with me. "I'll wait, Lil." He said choking up as he said my name, he kissed my forehead for a few seconds before leaving the room. I crumbled to my knees, leaving me drunk and heartbroken on the spare room floor.

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