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Will was laid with his head in my lap as Auston flicked through Netflix, Mitch was doing some extra practice today with Morgan which meant it was only Will, Auston and I. I hadn't told them about the offer, I hadn't even seen Auston since last week, to scared that I'd blab it out and he'd take it the wrong way. After scrolling for another 20 minutes, he finally picked friends, the most basic shit ever but it still took him and hour to pick it. When he settled down, I couldn't handle it anymore and before I knew it, the words were spilling out of my mouth.

"I got offered a place at New York university for next semester." I said quickly and Auston turned and looked at me while Will looked at me quickly, a sad look playing in his eyes but a smile across his face.

"That's great, Lilly. I'm so happy for you." Auston said with a genuine smile on his face. He leaned forward and hugged me close, I smiled into the embrace, knowing he was genuinely happy for me in that moment, but Will was another story.

"Wait. So does that mean your gonna move to New York?" He asked and I nodded as Auston pulled away, sitting down next to me. I looked at Will who pouted.

"But that means we won't see each other." Will said and I chuckled and shook my head, ruffling his hair as he pouted further.

"Willy, I promise I'll FaceTime you and visit as much as I can. Anyways I don't know if I'm going. Mitch said it's an amazing opportunity and I agree, but I don't think I just want to up and leave, everything I love and everything I know is in Toronto and I like that." I said and Will looked at me.

"Shut up, you are going to New York, you are going to take this opportunity Lilly." He said sternly and both Auston and I looked at him confused, but I just nodded slowly and he nodded also, smiling and going back to his original position. I turned and looked at Auston who smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you." He said and I just smiled and nodded.

"Love you too, Aussie." I said quietly and he rolled his eyes at the nickname I had given him when we first met, he hated it so much that he threatened to stop talking to me if I didn't stop calling him it.


I sighed heavily as I flopped back on my chair, Corwin stood behind me and looked down at my computer, reading over the words on the email without me even realising. I hadn't told the guys that I was leaving and I hadn't told anyone at work either, I was nervous about how everyone would react.

"Damn, Lilly. That's an amazing opportunity." Corwin said and I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned to him, looking at him nervously, he crouched down in front of me and chuckled. "Don't look at me like that." Corwin said and I flashed him a confused look.

"Look at you like what?" I asked as he sat on the spiny chair in front of me and DZ approached us both, followed closely by Jesse and Luca.

"Like you aren't gonna do, like your nervous. Lil, I've known you for a long time. I've seen your mind, I've seen your talent. You need to take this offer and you need to take it now." Corwin said and DZ stopped and turned to us.

"What's going on?" He asked and I looked at Corwin quickly just he just smiled and placed a hand on my knee.

"Lilly's been offered a place to study at New York University." Corwin said and DZ looked at me with wide eyes, Jesse and Luca also looking at me with wide eyes.

"Damn Lil, that's amazing, congrats. Have you spoke to the guys?" Jesse asked and I looked away from Corwin and smiled sadly up at Jesse who wore a large smile.

"I've spoke to Mitch, Auston and Will. But I haven't told the other guys. I've been debating for the past couple of days and I've hardly spoke to my dad about it, only vaguely. I'm just scared." I said quietly as DZ crouched down in front of me and Luca places a hand on my shoulder.

"Lil, we'll support you no matter what. But you've gotta make this decision yourself." Corwin said and I just nodded slowly. When everyone went back to working, I finally turned back to my computer and looked up the email again, reading it one last time before grabbing my bag and making my way to where the guys were training. It was cold so I ran inside, making my way into the rink to where they were all getting changed.

"Woah Lil." Kappy said as he covered his top half and I chuckled before finding Mitch who was laughing at Auston who was trying to get his sock on while standing up. Both of the boys looked at me as I rushed over and Will peeled his head in to listen as the room went silent.

"I'm taking the offer." I said quickly and Mitch smirked, hugging me tightly, picking me up from the floor slightly. Auston hugged me next and Will jumped in to. Auston kissed the top of my head as he pulled away and the guys watched in confusion.

"I've been offered a place at New York University for next semester." I said towards the guys and they all congratulated me quickly, hugging me and cheering me on.

"Well don't Lil, we knew you'll do amazing. Just remember to visit, yeah?" John asked and I felt myself beginning to tea up as he pulled me into a hug. I waited a second before answering.

"You got it chief." I said and he chuckled along with the rest of the guys.

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