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Slowly I started to improve, I was glad I wasn't feeling so much like death anymore, but doctors were still worried. I deteriorated sometimes and I'd just pass out for hours. I've been nagging to go home for days and Doctor Jamison was a bit cautious but finally agreed when I showed him I could walk without help. He still sent me home in a wheelchair and told me to use it whenever I was going somewhere, just until I was completely better, but around the house I didn't have to use it. Dad picked me up from the front of the hospital and Doctor Jamison briefed him on the specifics.

"Uh,so, there's gonna be a bit of a surprise when you get home, but I'll explain when we get there." My dad said and I looked as him confused. The drive home was quick and I was anxious to get in, I hobbled in, keeping myself up as I wheeled my wheel chair in. The minute I was in the door, a long haired golden retriever came bounding up to me, Auston following closely behind.

"What the fuck?" I questioned as I looked my dad who greeted the dog with a massive smile, Auston just pulling me into a hug as I looked in genuine confusion at the dog which was looking at me excitedly.

"So, Auston called me the other and day and told me he found a stray dog at the side of the road. So I went to go look and see how the dog was, she was pretty healthy and she wasn't chipped, so, I took her home." My dad shrugged and I just smiled as I sat down on the sofa, the dog climbing onto the sofa next to me, cuddling close to me.

"Okay. This is great." I said happily and looked at Auston who flopped down next to me. "How's the guys?" I asked quietly, letting my head fall on his shoulder as my dad went to take a call.

"They are good. Mo's been talking about you none stop." He chuckled and I smiled. "Mitchy's been a bit all over the place, he won't shut up about you but he keeps worrying. He slipped up yesterday night and didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the night." Auston said taking a deep breathe and I could tell he was worried about his friend. I sighed heavily and Auston checked the time.

"You should go. Babs'll be on the phone to me again if your late." I laughed and he just rolled his eyes, kissing my forehead before leaving. I watched the door as he left, looking to the dog that was now curled up next to me. "Do you have a name?" I asked the dog who just lifted her head up to look me in the eye, I leaned forward and kissed her head and she just rested her head on my hand. "I don't know you, but I'll protect you at all costs." I whispered and chuckled to myself.


It was late when the buzzer rang, I knew dad would be asleep and he was a heavy sleeper so I knew it wouldn't wake him. I shuffled towards the door, keeping my balance by holding myself against things. I opened the door, looking up to see Mitch standing. He wore a sad look and held a big teddy bear in his hands.

"Hey." He said quietly and I just threw myself into his arms, more than happy to see him. He took a deep breathe and held me tightly. When he pulled away, he glanced down at my feet confused. "When did you get a dog?" He asked and I chuckled.

"I don't even know." I said as I opened the door further for him to come in. When I locked the door again we made our way upstairs, quietly shutting my bedroom door as I climbed into bed, Mitch stripping down and climbing in next to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as I rested my head on his chest, his hand going to my hair as he ran his fingers through it, making me close my eyes and sigh in content.

"I feel a lot better, I'm not fully better, but I'm getting there. The doctors aren't sure about me going to New York at the moment though, which I guess is kind of good because I don't have anything ready." I said and Mitch's hand just stopped and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I heard about what my dad said, my Uncle Dillon told me when I came to see you guys play." I said quietly and Mitch moved me so I was looking at him.


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