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The day that dad was finally allowed to leave the hospital we woke up pretty early and the doctors signed my dad out finally. Before we left, my mum stopped by but i refused to speak to her, not knowing why she was here in the first place. When we got back to Toronto, Auston picked us up from the airport and I was more than glad to finally be home. Mitch was waiting with a warm hug and a very passionate kiss.

"I'm so happy you're home." Mitch sang to me as he hugged me close to him. i chuckled as all his team mates looked at him with a strange look as he pulled away. "Aw c'mon guys. I love her." Mitch said pulling me into him and pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

"Well I have a feeling I'll be seeing Mitch everyday this week." My dad half joked to Auston and everyone laughed as Auston helped my dad into the kitchen to get some food. All the lads stuck around for a while longer until the finally had to leave for practice.

"Hey dad, do you mind if i pop to TSN for a while? I've got to catch up on stuff." I said and he nodded and smiled.

"Yeah go on pumpkin, Uncle Dillons gonna come by soon anyways." He said and i just smiled and leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before grabbing my bag and jacket. I made my way out to my car and closed my eyes, leaning against the car.


I propped my feet up on Jesse as we sat at my desk, a look of concern on his face as I rambled about everything that had gone on. DZ was slowly listening in while Luca was basically over the partition listening.

"It sucks man. I know he's going to want to talk about it, I mean Mitch talked about it and he was ready to tell me then and there. But I just kind of want to go back to thinking she fell off the face of the earth and I'll never see her again." I said and Jesse just shook his head with a sad look.

"You have to listen to what your dad has to say, Lil. You'll just drive yourself crazy with wondering about it." Jesse said in a serious tone and everyone looked at him confused, while I just smirked.

"Jesse got wise." Luca joked and I laughed lightly while Jesse just straightened himself out and put on a more posh look.

"What can I say? I told you guys I was becoming a new man." He said and we all just wheeled ourselves back to our desks, leaving a pouting Jesse.

Everything seemed so much different since getting back to Toronto. We hadn't been in Chicago for long, but my mind was so out of the loop I felt kind of lost in my own city. Which would be easy to recover again, but I just missed Mitch. We had seen each other only hours ago but I felt like I hadn't seen him in months.

I dragged myself towards my car after catching up on work, driving back home to see my dad gone with my Uncle Dillon. I could tell because my dads car was here and he had left a green piece of paper on the table. The sound of quiet humming came from upstairs and I slowly made my way up to my room, where the sound was coming from. When I pushed the door open to my room, Mitch was spread out on my bed asleep and the open curtains were making a strange humming noise against the open window.

"An angel." I whispered with a very quiet chuckle as I shut the window quietly and pulled the curtains shut, only keeping out a portion of the sun. I climbed into bed next to Mitch who awoke to greet me.

"I've missed you." He whispered as he pulled me tightly to his body, the warmth of him making me smile in comfort.

"I missed you too, Mitchy." I whispered back and he kissed the side of my head before I turned around to face him. His eyes were shut and he looked peaceful. I leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to both of his eyelids, which he smiled and opened his eyes too.

"I've been thinking." He said quietly, propping himself up slightly as I lay with my head on his chest. "In the next couple of months. Maybe we could think about living with each other, buying a new place. Somewhere we could call our own. But I don't want to seem like I'm rushing into anything." He said and I sat up, looking at him confused.

"Are you being serious?" I asked and Mitch sat up, looking nervous, grabbing my hand.

"I don't want to pressure you or anything." He said and I just smirked and leaned forward, kissing him quickly before sitting back again, taking his face in my hands as I brushed my thumbs over his cheeks.

"I love you Mitch. I would follow you to the ends of the earth. Moving in with you would make me happier than ever." I said and he just smiled and pulled me into his lap. Hugging me. I was glad he was so huggy.

"God I'm so glad." He chuckled and I just brushed my fingers through his hair as he leaned in to kiss me. But we were rudely interrupted by Auston busting through my bedroom door.

"No time for that shit! We're all going out for food. It's compulsory for you two to join." Auston said pulling me from Mitch's lap and throwing me over his shoulder. I groaned heavily and Mitch swore towards his best friend while Auston Just laughed and gathered our stuff together. It's genuinely like having one of those cockblock brothers who hate seeing you even hug a guy that isn't them.

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