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Auston's foot was in my face as I had my head rested on Morgan's shoulder. We were en route in the bus to Calgary and we had been travelling for hours at this point. Mitch and i had only talked a few times from the morning we woke up on my sofa, he kissed me quick before he left and I immediately missed him. Morgan got a bit more comfy and rested his head on mine as Auston sat up, finally taking his feet from in front of my face.

"Mike, I'm hungry." John wined in a child like way from the seat in front of me and i couldn't help but chuckle. Making him turn around and pout at me. I rolled my eyes as Mike turned around and looked at John with a concerned look, I smirked and shook my head at the coach.

"We'll stop in a while." Mike said before turning his attention back towards his discussion with Will who was leaning across to talk to his coach. I sat back on my seat and deeeply sighed, letting my head fall to the side so I could whisper to Morgan, who was now looking down at his phone.

"It's like being on a school trip, but your class is 10x more whiney and annoying." I whispered and he laughed loudly, earning the attention of some of the lads who weren't asleep. We drove for another hour before finally stopping at a 24 hour McDonalds. Mike said he'd turn a blind eye if we didn't tell anyone. Will let me jump on his back as we walked into the building, the smell alone had us all whipped as we ordered and took our seats, pushing the tables together.

"Hey." Mitch said coming up next to me, nudging me with his hip slightly as we both made our way over to the table, being the only two that had ordered and got our stuff so far.

"Hey." I said back as we sat down, him sitting across from me while I sat on the sofa kind of chairs.

"I was thinking about stuff last night, Lil. I miss you a lot. It's been weird not having you always around or not waking up next to you, I miss you hanging out with the guys and Auston and I coming to the house late at night. I miss you." Mitch said and i glanced down at his healing lip and fading black eye. Him and Auston has hugged it out the next day when I phoned Auston and told him to remember Mitch was his best friend before my boyfriend.

"I love you, Mitchy. I thought maybe being apart from you, not being with you for a while, would help the feeling inside, but it's only made or worse and I miss you kicking about the house. Eating out food, crying at sad movies." I said and he smirked and looked down at him food. When he looked up, I leaned over the table and pressed a long kiss to his cheek.

"Does this mean, I got you back?" He asked and I smirked and nodded. He jumped up from his chair and hugged me, earning an odd lol from the guys, but when he kissed me they got it.

"Better late than never." Patrick said as he came to the table followed by Auston. I smiled as Mitch smirked also. Auston took the seat next to me and bumped my shoulder. While I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.


The game in Vancouver was going pretty well, both teams were tied and Mitch was doing really well, Mike kept nudging me and I couldn't help but laugh. By the end of the second period, we were leading and Mitch was the cause of it. But just before the end of second period, Just after Mitch had scored. Sam Bennett started a fight with him that wasn't needed. I looked away from him as my eyes followed the puck, but I quickly snapped my attention in the direction of Mitch as the whistle blew.

Sam was punching Mitch and he was trying to fight back, Auston and John jumped in but they were pulled away by the refs as smith fought back. By the time the fight was finished and the refs finally stepped in, blood was spilt on Mitch's part and he was on the floor. Auston looked as if he was going to kill Sam and all the older players were being held back as to not attack the younger player.

"Fucking hell." I whispered as Mitch was led off by the doctor and towards the locker rooms. His eyebrow was split which meant he needed stitched up, when he fell he also hurt his back, so it didn't look like he was going back onto the ice.

"Will you go?" Mike asked and I nodded and smiled, making my way towards the changing rooms where Mitch was finished getting stitched up and was about to get changed out of his kit. I smiled as I made my way over to help him.

"You played good out there." I said as I helped his take his jersey off, throwing it into his back when I did. We slipped off his gear and he groaned as I looked at the bruise on his back. I traced my fingers over it and he shivered slightly.

"I didn't want to fight the guy. But he dropped his gloves and I felt obliged." Mitch admitted and I just smiled lightly as he turned around. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he leaned forward a little, resting his forehead on mine. We stood like that for a while, just at peace even though we could hear the chaos of outside, yet we assumed it was our team that was scoring, which it wasn't.

"Well, I think you look pretty cool." I said as he kissed Just under my ear and chuckled, pulling away and kissing my cheek.

"Thanks, Lil." He said still chuckling and I chuckled with him also.

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