~~part 7~~

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Gustav got into the turning lane and flipped on his blinker. He looked over at Ivy with a smile since she was jamming to the heavy metal playing. He turned in front of a black Buick onto the road. He parked the Corvette and put the roof back up, shutting the motor off and waiting for his mother to park near them. The boy and girl got out, walking to the Malibu where Liza stood.

They walked into the park and waited in the line to get into Universal.

Gustav squealed like an excited child as they walked through the gates. He flailed his arms happily. "This is so cool! Vy, give me the map!" He took the piece of paper and examined it. "The Simpsons are that way!"

He gave the girl back the colorful map and quickly walked, grabbing Ivy too. "Gustav. Stop." He looked back at his mother and stopped as she asked.

Gus smiled a cute, innocent smile. "Sooooorrrrryyyy, mama."

As they walked into The Simpsons' area, Gustav started singing his ABC's. "H, I, J, K, L, M, A, and O." Ivy laughed. "What?"

"You're being a weirdo." 

"You laugh a lot... at me, wait are you laughing at me?" The black-haired girl laughed again. "Well then. Let's all get on the floor and do the dinosaur!"

Everyone around them looked at the blonde boy and his friend next to him. Ivy tried her best not to laugh again but Gus always finds some weird thing to say or do. "Wow, look it's the glorious bright shining light of death, Vy!" He pointed at the sun.

"Why do you do that and not allow me to laugh?"

"'Cause I ain't that funny." He said and ran to the restaurant that sold giant donuts. He paid for one and ran back to Ivy and his mother. "You wanna help me eat this, hot mama?"

"Sure but stop calling me that."



"My feet hurt!" Gus whined as he slumped through Jurassic Park. "Can we stop just for one second?"

"Fine," Ivy said and stopped, letting Gustav sit on a bench. She stood with her arms crossed, staring at the boy sitting down. "You ready yet?"

"No. I need to smoke, drink some water, wash my hair, get 50 more tattoos, clean the bathrooms here, then tape some step-stools to my feet so I'm taller." Ivy looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, we can keep walking."

"Good, because even if you said you weren't ready, I would've left yo' ass." Gustav stood and followed Ivy.

Someone's on their period... jeez.


Gus watched as the "wizard" stood from the chair. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, there's a wizard among us. You!" He pointed to Gus, who was looking at the window. Ivy elbowed him.

"What? The answer is Flex Seal! Wait, no, Flex Tape!" People laughed.

"Come forward." Gustav by stepped past the children and parents and slumped next to the shorter guy. "Take this wand and wave it around."

"You want me to wave a stick around. Okay... hopefully, this isn't a redo of my childhood where I almost poked Bexey's eye out with a switch his mom beat him with." People laughed again. The other guy wasn't amused. The blonde boy waved around the "wand" and heard something come crashing down. He quickly wiped the wand of fingerprints with his shirt and put it down. He acted as if he had nothing to do with it.

"Okay then... try this one." The boy did as asked and waved that one around. Nothing happened. He looked around and sighed out of relief.

"Thank God I don't have to pay for a window or something. Or do I?" He looked at the guy, who shook his head. "Thank Chanel West Coast..."

Eventually, the group of people went into the next room, where the gift shop was. "Why'd he have to choose me? I don't even really like Harry Potter... Game of Thrones is more my shit."

"I see it," Ivy said and turned to Gustav. She looked past him then back to his eyes. "Someone's approaching."

"Lil Peep?" He turned and smiled awkwardly. "OMG, it is! Seiarra, it is Peep!"

A short, black-haired girl came over with a giant smile on her face. "Hi..."

"Hi. Wanna picture or something?"

"I was actually gonna ask you to prom this weekend." Gus stopped and looked at Ivy, who was just as surprised. "Would you be okay with that?"

"What day?"


"Uh. Sure, I don't see why it wouldn't hurt." The boy smiled--that sending the girls off--then turned to Ivy who had an uncomfortable expression. He put an arm around her, making her look up at him and smile sheepishly. "You okay?"

"Yeah... just weird day."

"We can leave if you want." She just shook her head and smiled sheepishly once again. "Okay, really, what's bothering you? Is it because I'm going to prom with that girl that I literally don't even know?"

"No." She stated rather barkishly. "I don't care about that... I mean this morning I texted my dad and Corey both and they didn't respond until like 15 minutes ago."

"That is weird. I mean, we're only 3 hours ahead, but knowing both of them, they're up at like 3 or something."

"4, actually. But Corey has insomnia and it was bad last night because he called me at like 1 and told me. While my dad always answers his phone--rather it be just a text or Twitter notification--even when he's in a very deep sleep. Literally, anything will wake his ass up.

"Then that is weird for them. But I wouldn't let it worry you. Just let it go, it'll be okay." Gus kissed her head and rubbed her back. She nodded and smiled.

"Thanks, Peep." She hugged the boy, him hugging back automatically. "You're the best..."

"I wouldn't go that far but thanks, love."


This chapter literally sucks ass but idc. I'm like rlly tired and just want this to be uploaded already. Sorry I'm a bad writer. The next chapter(s) should be better but no promises bc nothing will be good enough for you guys <3.

                              --XOXO, d a y d r e a m e r

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