~~part 33~~

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Gus sat on the bar stool, a beer in one hand as he stared at the picture of him and Ivy when they got their nails done. The blonde had a tear-stained face, a frown, and red puffy eyes. A guy sat next to him and saw him sulking. "You good buddy?"

He looked up at him slightly and sighed, locking his phone and placing it on the bar. He took a swig of his beer. "Not really. My friend kinda... She..." Gus couldn't even form words correctly at this point. His heart was shattered yet in his throat. He felt like he needed to cry, throw up, then heel over and die.

"She leave you?"

"No! Ivy... W-wouldn't do that." The boy stuttered while swirling the small amount of beer in the bottle around. He took the last drink and slammed it down, signaling the bartender to get him another. "I left her."

"Why?" The man asked, ordering a glass of wine.

"Because... I love her as more than a friend. And I thought she felt the same way until she met Stoner and things just got flipped turned upside down. Now, they're together almost 24/7 and I lowkey feel left out but I don't know anymore. God, why am I such a damn idiot!? I should've just asked her to be my girlfriend when I had the chance!" Gus grabbed the new bottle of beer and chugged most of it down. "This is all my fault."

"What's your fault? Her being happy or you being jealous of the guy who makes her happy?" The brown-haired man asked then took a sip of his wine. Gus stayed silent long enough to finish his beer and get another in his hand. "To me, it sounds like you're more caught up in jealousy than the fact you helped Ivy meet Stoner."

"Wait... How did you know I was the one who helped Ivy meet Stoner?"

"You know that guy she was texting while you guys were getting manicures?" The man smiled.

"You're Clint?" Clint nodded in response and took another sip if his wine. "So you're talking to me in Ivy's favor. That's bias."

"Well, actually, I'm not speaking in Ivy's favor. I'm speaking as if I don't know who the fuck either of you are." Clint stated matter-of-factly. "Don't start that bias shit with me honey 'cause I can show you bias."

"Okay, okay, I apologize that comment was unnecessary," Gus said, putting his hands up in defense with a small chuckle. "But, really... What should I do?"

"Just tell her how you feel." Clint simply stated with a small shrug.

"But I already did." The teenager countered.

"But did you really? Did you tell her how you really feel or did you just scratch the surface and tell her what she already knows?" The man countered back. Gus glared over at Clint with a 'fuck your logic' look. "Don't look at me like that. You know I'm right."

Bexey stumbled over and sat next to Gustav. "What's up with you, Peep? Ya' look like ya' saw a ghost or somethin'..."

"Nothing's wrong, let's just go home... I need to do something. See you later, Clint." Gus stood to leave but Clint grabbed his wrist.

"You don't have to tell Ivy anything... Not even about us talking just... Please think about what I said, Gus. Okay?" The blonde boy just nodded, drug his friend to his Jeep, and left the bar.


Hey uh, layla? Can i come over?


Of course anything for you guppy ❤

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