~~part 22~~

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A/N: What Gus does in the park is from 5:10 to 5:32 in the video above. But watch the whole thing when u get time bc I swear u will laugh ur butt off. (Also, for some reason, it wouldn't go in the header so idk) 4:10 "I could've become Micheal Jackson's bitch." lmao
Once Liza got back to California, she stopped at her house where she could unpack. Gus threw his bag onto his bed and got in his Jaguar to take Ivy home before Andrew contracted an ulcer from worrying.

Ivy walked through the front door and took Gus into her room. She unloaded her bag and went to her dad's room. "Hey, dad? Can I go to the mall with Gus?"

"You're supposed to be grounded... But you were rushed so I'll let this slide one time." He kissed his daughter's head and ruffled her hair. "Be back before 10 and tell me if I need to beat up Gustav... Even if he didn't do anything."

"I feel victimized in this household right now."


Gus and Ivy eventually said goodbye to Andrew and left to go to the mall. They walked in, hand-in-hand. The two teenagers walked into Target, going to get Vaseline and chapstick. "What kind of chapstick do you use, Ivy?"

"Burt's Bees. The normal wax kind, none of the flavors since they don't moisturize correctly." The blonde nodded, but he didn't know what the hell Ivy was talking about. All he heard was Burt's Bees natural wax or something like that. They got their items, checked out and went over to Sephora. There, they needed some sort of scrub.

"The honey scrub and kiwi balm are what I'm looking for," Ivy said scanning through the shelves of lip balm and lip gloss. She found the honey lip scrub but no kiwi balm. She asked for a sales associate. "Do you guys have any kiwi lip balm in the back perhaps?"

"One second." The woman said and checked on her computer. "Unfortunately, I don't but we do have the DIOR lip balm that does the same thing."

"No, it's fine. I guess we'll just get this then." The black-haired girl said and put the small tube of scrub on the counter. They checked out in Sephora and went to Victoria's Secret. "If you get ideas in this store, I swear to Jesus I will kill you in a dressing room."

"Yes, ma'am!" Gus saluted and they walked in. Ivy pulled Gus straight to the lip gloss. He watched the Angels on the screen as he waited for Ivy to give him something to do. "So when are you gonna become an Angel?"

"Oh shut up," Ivy threatened and hit him in the leg.

"You're right. You already are one."

"I will donkey kick you in the balls if you don't shut the f-"

"Ivy?" The girl looked up and her eyes widened. It was one of her dad's ex-girlfriends. "OMG hey!!"

"Vicki! Hey!" Ivy said with a fake smile on her face. "It's been what? 3 years?"

"Four actually." The blonde smiled and looked over at Gustav. "Who's the tattoo artist?"

"He's one of my friends. So what're you doing in San Fransico? I thought you moved to Nevada or New Mexico..."

"I only told your dad that so he would leave me alone." The woman flipped her hair behind her shoulder. "Well, I best get going. My new husband should get home from work in a little and I plan on making dinner before he gets home. See you around, sweetie!"

Ivy watched as Vicki left the store. "Where your dad would leave me alone my ass, bitch. He broke up with you and you balled your eyes out like a child." The black-haired girl cursed under her breath and went to the counter, quickly checking out and leaving the store.

"What was that all about?"

"All you need to know is that was one if my dad's exes and she's the biggest bitch I've ever met." She spat and walked to the food court. "You want anything?"


"Me either," Ivy said and kept walking. They ended up in Hot Topic. They went to the back and stood there talking. "So um... Next year, are you still gonna be living with Liza?"

"Maybe. I know I ain't livin' with my dad cause I can't leave my friends like that. Or you." Gus lightly planted a kissed Ivy's lips. "I may just move to LA or even Oakland but most likely LA since most of my friends live there."

"Oh... Okay. I guess that's okay." She muttered and hugged Gus. He hugged her back, rubbing circles with his fingers. "I love you, Gus."

"I love you too, Vy." He kissed her head. "You wanna see me do something that'll cheer you up?"

"Sure." They walked back outside and Gus started walking, telling Ivy to stay where she was. He walked next to a woman on her phone and lightly grazed her shoulder with his, falling back as he had just hit a brick wall and laying there. She looked down and kept walking.

He repeated the action multiple times until he had Ivy in tears from laughing. The last time he did it, he added, "aye! I'm walkin' ere!" in a fake Boston accent.

"Happy?" Gus asked, putting an arm around the girl. She nodded, still not being able to talk from laughter. "Good. Now let's go to the park."

The boy and girl drove to the park across town and got out of the car. "SWINGS!" The blonde boy yelled and ran over to the play area. He got into one swing and patted the one next to him. Ivy sat in it and turned to face Gus, who was laying back in the swing acting silly. He was kicking his feet rapidly as if that was doing anything.

"Um. Gus?"

He stopped and looked up at the girl. "Yes?"

"What're you doing?"

The boy glanced around. "Swinging...?"

"Um, I don't think that's what you're supposed to do."

"So? My mommy said I was special and unique!" He said in a high pitch voice like the weird kid from The Simpsons. He continued to kick his feet rapidly while on his back. "Let's go on a roller coaster, Vy. WeEeEhOoO!!!!"

"You're the weirdest human I've ever met, Gus."

"Thanks." The 17-year-old said, sitting up in the swing. He kissed her cheek. "I lOvE yOu."

"I love you too, Gustav."

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