~~part 8~~

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Ivy picked up her phone and answered the facetime call. "Yes, Gustav?"

"Hey, I'm coming to lunch so I can see all my boys." He was looking at something then back at her. "So, how that sound?"

"Good. What're you doin'?" He smiled and looked back at whatever he was doing.

"I'm driving right now." The black-haired girl rolled her eyes and hung up. She texted him 'call me u arent putting ur life in danger goof '. She looked up from her phone under the table at Layla.

"Layla." The girl turned around, along with Rylee. "Guess who's coming and eating lunch with us?"

"Who? *Gasp* Is it your dad?!"

"Ew no." They giggled. "Gustav!"

"Gustav is coming to eat lunch with you?" Layla practically yelled, getting everyone's attention and stirring them up with either excitement or just conversation.

"Gus is comin'?" Coach Woods asked and turned around in her chair. Ivy looked up and quickly took out her AirPods and put them on the table.

"Yep," She said quickly, just wanting to get the conversation over with. The girl also wanted to see Gustav since she hadn't seen him since spring break, and that was about two months ago. She missed her weirdly sexy, awkward friend.


Ivy walked downstairs with Anna, Avery, Ethan, and Bryson, talking to pass the time. She walked into the cafeteria, seeing Gustav hugging Grayson from the back and had his hand on McKinley's head. The black-haired girl walked over to him and put a hand on his lower back. He turned with a smile, embracing his shorter friend he loved more than anything or anyone. "I missed you so much," the blonde said, letting Ivy go.

"Missed you too. But not enough to squeeze the life outta you." The boy just shrugged and walked to the empty table behind Layla's table. On his way there, he patted Maddie's head then did the same thing to Kayla. Gus sat at the table, Ivy sitting next to him. She sighed and leaned on his shoulder. He put an arm around her slowly where he wouldn't seem desperate.

"I got grandmama to make you these and I stopped by Starbucks to get you a caramel latte." He pulled out the cookies from the brown bag he brought in with the drinks.

"But I don't..." Gustav picked another drink off the ground with a smile.

"Kidding! That's mine." The blonde grabbed the caramel latte from the holder and gave Ivy her a Java Chip Frappuccino (thx Baylee (:). "There ya' go."


The two sat there, eating their lunch while joking around and laughing. Gustav and Ivy also took pictures but they both swore not to post any of them because they were either embarrassing or blurry. "Okay. So what're you guys doing in PE?"

"I don't know, probably like kickball or something," Ivy said and took a drink of her Frappe. "Why?"

"Oh, no reason."


Gustav snuck into the gymnasium and walked into the actual gym, sitting in the bleachers next to Ivy. "Gus?! What're you doing?"

"I wanted to play kickball or whatever... I miss this class." People turned at the sound of his voice. He put a finger to his lips. "Act like I'm not here, okay?"

They nodded and turned their attention back to the coaches. The blonde boy elbowed the black-haired girl. "Hey, who's the new dude?"

"Coach Harris? Uh, he's the new student coach type thing."

"Cool... He cute too." Ivy chuckled and nodded. "Nice calves too... and booty."

Everyone laughed, catching Coach Harris' attention. "What're you guys laughing at?" Coach Harris urged, in an interested voice.

"Nothing!" People responded.

However, Gustav had to be himself and say something else after everyone else was finished. "Nufin', young love." The blonde man looked around for who said it.

"Who said that?" No one said anything. The boy ducked behind Logan, Hunter, Jessie, Madison, and Jace.

Ivy looked down with a laugh. "You're so gonna get caught, Gus."

"Shut up! I'm supposed to be invisible." Ivy stayed quiet for a second.

"Well, good luck with that."

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