~~part 34~~

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A/N: Howdy but im stating this bc its funny. In the picture above, my phone thought Layla's knee was a face lmao. Ok im sorry just thought it was funny... Sorry if u didn't laugh. :)

"Hey, Peep, whatever happened to the hot bitch you were friends with?" Tracy asked as he took a hit off his blunt. Gus just rolled his eyes and took his cigarette back from his girlfriend, Layla. He finished it off and flicked it onto the floor of their apartment.

"We're on a break. And don't call her a bitch cause she ain't one. Do it again and your ass goes on the street corner to get jumped." Gustav barked.

"Aw, c' mon man I swear I didn't let you get jumped on purpose that one time."

"That one time?" Bexey interrupted. "What happened?"

"He dropped me off in the fuckin' hood and let me get jumped by a gang. That's why I didn't talk to him in high school. I was still pissed and I still am but whatever at this point."

"Oh," Bexey muttered and bit his lip while twiddling his thumbs in his lap. "Peep, can I talk to you in my room real quick?"

"Yeah sure." Before Gus could stand, Layla kissed the blonde's Pink Panther neck tattoo. He shoved her off him and walked into his friend's room. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Do you even like Layla anymore?" The black-haired boy asked as he shut the door.

"Who said I ever did?" The blonde 20-year-old spat and sat on the bed. "I only keep her around because I'm lonely."

"She's not good for you though. Why don't you just break up with her and find another girl?" George proposed.

"It ain't that simple, dude. I don't know that many girls that're... Trustworthy. Or just people in general."

"I think I know one person you can trust." Gus looked at Bexey and was about to speak while shaking his head. "Just... Just call her, man. Even if she doesn't want to talk, at least you tried."

"If we do start talking?"

"Then y'all can catch up! It's been almost four years since you guys talked! It's worth a shot..." George offered with a smile. Gustav just bit his lip and stared at his shoe.

"I guess it-it wouldn't hurt to try and call her." Bexey patted his friend's shoulder. The blonde stepped outside his shared apartment and dialed the number of his favorite girl in the world. Ivy Taggart or--against Gustav's better judgment--Davenport.

She picked up after a couple of rings. "This is Ivy. Who is this?" The boy smiled at her voice. "Hello? Stoner, you better not be messing with me again."

"It's not Stoner." He spoke with the biggest smile he had on his face in years. The girl gasped.

"Gus?! Oh my gosh! It's been so long!" He heard her shift. "So what's up?"

"Nothing much. Just waiting for my tour to start. I'm sure you're enjoying Yale? Or did you decide on Princeton?" Gus wandered around his apartment complex as he spoke to his longtime friend.

"Neither, actually." Gus furrowed his brows in confusion. "So Stoner moved to Daytona Beach since he's actually from here so he could be closer to family and I moved with him. But I'm just doing online classes because I didn't really wanna go to college. After senior year, I'm done with people."

"Two questions. First, what happened senior year and was it after we said our goodbyes? And second, are you and Stoner dating?"

"I'll tell you later but Stoner and I are not dating--" Gustav's hopes were up, but then fell right back down "--but at the same time we are. It's just... really complicated right now."

"Cool, cool..." Gus kicked a rock in front of him on the sidewalk. "So, when do you wanna come to see one of my shows? I'm coming to Tampa November 4th... Then I'm goin' to Miami the 5th."

"I have a project due the 6th but then the 7th Stoner and I are flying to Las Vegas to see my dad since he moved there after I left. So what shows do you have any around the 10th in the area? I don't mind driving a little to see you. We'll be there for a while. Until like the... 17th or 18th."

"Yeah! The 15th I'll be in Tuscon, Arizona. That's about 7 hours away..." Gus said suggestively. "Then the 16th I have-"

"The 15th is perfect." Ivy interrupted. "We don't have anything to do that day so we can drive out there, hang out with you, go to your show, then hang out a little more."

"Sounds lit. So 'we' is you, Stone, and Drew or is your dad not coming?"

"If you want him to, he can."

"Yeah! I'd love to see the old man. But maybe afterward, we can grab something to eat and catch up?"

"Sure. So I'm guessing you changed numbers?"

"Had to. Someone leaked my old number and I didn't know so I was getting a bunch of different calls from stalkers."

"Oh wow." She gasped. "Well, I better get going, I have this essay to finish."

"Okay, I'll let you go and tell Bex you said hi."

"Kay, bye Gus."

"Bye." Ivy hung up and Gus took his phone away from his ear. He shoved it in his pocket and lit a stray cigarette he found in his pocket. He decided to walk to Taco Bell and just clear his head about Layla, Ivy, and everything in general.

He walked up to the door and pulled it open. He stood in line and waited until the person in front of him to order. The blonde boy stepped up to the counter and ordered, sitting down after he got his drink.

As Gustav ate, a girl with red hair walked in and saw him. His eyes went wide. "Bella?"

"Gus! Oh, it's so good to see you!" She rushed over to him and they hugged, Gus breaking it. "How've you been?"

"Good... You?"

"Great! My acting career is going great and so is my music career. Yours is going great I'm guessing since I've heard so many of your songs on the radio."

"Yeah. Well, why don't you order then we can sit and talk."

"Sounds amazing." She said, giving Gustav's arm on final squeeze before she walked off.

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