~~part 16~~

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"Hee Hee! Yes!" The blonde cheered and pumped his fists in the air. Ivy just chuckled and punched him in the shoulder. "Owie! Hey, woah woah woah! There's no need for physical violence! Don't make me call your dad!"

"What's he gonna do?"

"I'll call Corey then."

"He'll just tell you to man up and punch you in the crotch. Maybe even hit you with a wiffle ball bat."

"Ooo... those hurt." Gus expressed and rubbed his chest. "And are surprisingly aerodynamic."

Ivy just nodded in agreement. They got off the stools of Connect 4 game. "What do you wanna do now?" The girl asked, looking at her friend.

"Dance, Dance Revolution?" She nodded again and grabbed his wrist, taking him to the game he recommended.

"Now I'm gonna warn you, I'm amazing at this game."

"Me too, sis." Gus said and made a kissy-face.


"How do you keep beating me?!" Gustav exclaimed and caught his breath from rapidly moving his feet. Ivy smiled and was about to choose another song for her and the blonde to dance to. "No! No more! I can't! You win! You're the daddy of the year! Not me!"

Ivy laughed and socked him in the shoulder again. "Shut up, weirdo."

"Hey! That's mean..."

"Then shut up!" She smiled and they got off the machine, walking around until Gus stopped at the giant Pac-Man game. "You wanna play that?"

"Yes. I know, I'm a big loser and nerd but Pac-Man was my shit as a kid! Still is and will be up until I die."

"Well, hopefully, that'll be in more than 20 years."

"Don't push it. If anything another 15 if my addictions don't get the best of me."


"This game is rigged!" Gus asserted and slammed his fist down on the machine. "This is some BS mixed with witchcraft! Or I'm just retarded... and Ivy stop giving me the look of 'well duh, of course you're retarded since you dropped out of school AND you like Pac-Man.'"

Ivy looked up from her phone. "What?"

"Oh, you weren't looking... okay well nevermind then." Gus got off the bench and stood, looking around. "Do you wanna play anything else?"

"Uh... I think I'm satisfied. You?"



The blonde snuck behind Ivy and shoved the snake down the back of her shirt. She screamed and flailed her arms, grabbing at the object that had gone down the back of her clothing. She got it out and turned, hitting Gustav with the plastic animal. "Stop messing with me, doofus!"

"Stop bullying me!" Gus said in a weird voice. Ivy just laughed and glanced down at her phone.

"It's my dad." She notified her friend and answered the call. "Hello?"

Gustav smiled an evil smile."Hey, Vy! Pass the crack!" He yelled into the phone, making Ivy slap him again. He just laughed. Andrew yelled something at his daughter.

"We're at Dave & Buster's. Chill. We're not doing drugs. Gus is just being dumb." She paused. "We're finishing up here. He'll have me home in about 30. Okay? 'Kay love you."

Ivy hung up the phone. "I'm gonna literally kill you."

Gus smiled a teasing smile. "Okay, bet, papi!"


Ivy got out of Gustav's Jaguar and so did he. They approached the door and stood on the porch to say their goodbyes. "So, you still wanna go with me and my mom to see Ms. Carson?" The boy asked as he lit a cigarette in his mouth. Ivy nodded.

"Yeah. How long are we gonna be there?"

"Probably drive up Friday then come back Saturday. I mean, if you wanna bring an extra pair of clothes you can... but I'm not. But it may just be because I don't really care."

Ivy just nodded. "Mood honestly... well, I'll see you Friday I guess."

"It's a date," Gus smiled and dropped his cigarette butt on the concrete porch and stepped on it. "See you later, Vy. Tell Drew I send my regards and Corey I love him."

"You sound like your leaving for good or something."

"Hey, you never know if I'll die between now and then. But hopefully, I won't... but I could. You never know..."

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