~~part 21~~

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Gus threw an arm around Ivy and smiled at her. She smiled back and booped his nose. "Do you wanna go through my phone?" The blonde asked randomly. The girl just shrugged and they traded phones.

Ivy went to Gustav's pictures and scrolled through them. Some pictures were of nature, some were of him and his exes, some o his friends, him and Liza, him and Ivy, and random pictures of him. The pictures of him were pretty comical so Ivy selected the funny ones and sent them to Liza. She texted 'Can u send me these when I get my phone back from Gus? Thx'.

'Yea of course. Are u gonna post them or something?'


They traded their phones back and Ivy texted Liza to sent the pictures.



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ivytaggart I love this

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ivytaggart I love this. Not gonna tag him wanna see if he notices 😂 the last one is the best

liked by smokeasac, yunggoth, and 25,176 others


horsehead y does the second pic look like that guy that says I have crippling depression and/or osteoporosis?

drewtaggart u guys need to get a hobby to take up. Ivy, r u done with coreys book yet? Make gus read it it'll make him smarter

lilpeep oochies im rite her @ drewtaggart

drewtaggart I stand my point...

view all 13,823 comments

Gus socked Ivy in the shoulder. "We make out then this? You're a bully, Ivy Taggart." Gus whispered. The girl just chuckled and shrugged.

"I love you?"

"... I love you too." Gus stole a kiss from the girl quickly before his mother saw. They pulled up to a nice, yet small house in a small neighborhood consisting of the same design.

Liza parked her car and the three of them go out. They walked to the porch and opened the screen door, going in. Gus knocked on the door rather loudly for the older woman to hear.

Ivy saw a woman open the door with a big smile. She hugged Gustav, who hugged back as gently as he could. Liza hugged her next. Liza and Gus walked in the house and stood behind Ms. Carson. "Ms. Carson, this is my best friend, Ivy."

"Oh my... Dear, you're beautiful." The white-haired woman smiled and hugged the black-haired girl. She kissed her cheek and let her into the house. Ms. Carson showed Gus around to show her she still had all the drawings and toys from when he was a kid.

"Hey look! She still has the Elvis CD she played all the time when I was over here!" Gustav said with excitement. Ivy smiled and petted his hair. The blonde kept looking through things for a while until Liza told him they needed to find somewhere Ms. Carson could rest. So they decided on the living room.

Ivy sat next to Gus, who had his arm around her. Liza sat in a single recliner while Ms. Carson sat on a double seat couch diagonal from the two teens. "So Gustav, how'd you and Ivy meet?" The woman asked.

"School. We had every class together and we just grew closer to each other every single day." The boy explained, looking at Ivy with a smile. She smiled back and put a hand on his knee.

"So are you two dating?"

"No, ma'am. I'm kinda scared to date Ivy since she's scary and so is her dad so... I'm kinda at a loss. Now that doesn't mean the option is off the table."

Ivy just rolled her eyes. "My dad would beat you to a pulp in two seconds since you're about the size of a twig."

"He's always been that way. No matter how much he ate, he'd stay skinny!" Ms. Carson commented.

"Not my choice..." Gus said simply and crossed his arms.


"I can't believe she showed you those pictures," Gustav blushed as they drove out of the driveway. "Especially the one of me in the bath."

"Aw, c' mon! They were so cute!" Ivy teased.

"You just called me cute." The blonde looked at the girl with a smirk. She looked at him with a 'yeah, and?' type look. "Thanks. You too."

They were about to kiss but Liza spoke. "So, did you enjoy that, Ivy? You get to poke fun at Gus even more now."

"Yeah. It was fun. But Gus exposes himself enough on a daily basis that I don't need any help with making fun of him."

"I swear to God if you bring up when Corey asked how old I was and said 'nothing' situation, I will kick your ass."

"So you're now gonna kick your own ass, right?" Ivy smiled devilishly. Gus backtracked on what he said.


Bad but eh, it's just a filler where this book doesn't look abandoned. Also, I thought I would be able to finish this book in a week, but ha! I'm so utterly stupid for even thinking that. However, I did get several chapters written that need to be proof read so please just deal with me for a few more weeks and things should be hunky dorey. :)) thx for sticking with me through my bs loves. Anyway, see u in the next chapter! Bye bye!

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