~~part 17~~

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Drew opened the door and looked at Gustav with a confused look of why he didn't have shoes nor a shirt on. "I just got up and didn't feel like putting things on since this is like a 6-hour drive and will sleep 80% of the time. Do not judge me, Andrew." The brown-haired man just nodded and yelled for his daughter to get out of her room since her friend was here.

Ivy approached the door with the same look Andrew had on his face when he opened it. "Why... ya' know I don't even care or wanna know." The black-haired girl grabbed her friend by the wrist, dragging him to the car. She got in the front seat while Gustav crawled into the backseat, laying on his stomach across the whole row.

Liza backed out of the driveway and began driving to get on the highway. Ivy looked in the rearview mirror and saw Gus had himself strapped down with both seatbelts. She chuckled. The blonde boy had his Air-Pods in with his face practically inside the pillow. The black-haired girl just rolled her eyes and went back to reading Corey's book on iBooks.


Ivy turned around to wake up her friend but she couldn't reach him from the front seat since he was nearly in the crease of the seats. She got out of the car and opened the back door. Ivy poked the boy's calf and waited for him to react, but he didn't. "I swear if he's dead I'm gonna kill him... Gus, get up."

He moaned and turned over, not waking up. The girl climbed into the backseat on top of the boy. Ivy took out Gustav's earbuds, yelling in his ear. "Gus! Wake up!"

"Bush did 9/11! Oh hey, Vy. Could you get off me, please? Your knee is in my stomach." The girl climbed out of the car and the boy got out as well. "Where's mama?"

"Inside. She had to pay for gas. We're on the border of Oregon and Cali so she said there are about two hours left." Ivy explained to her friend. "She told me to wake you up where you can get something to eat or drink along with a bathroom break."

"Good cause I really need to pee." Gustav ran into the gas station, said hi to his mother, then ran to the men's restroom. He stood at a urinal and unbuttoned his sweatpants. A few seconds later, another man walked in and stood right beside Gustav. The boy looked over at the man with a bitchy face. "Really?"

"What?" The trucker said, not looking away from the wall.

"Never mind." The boy buttoned his pants back up, washing his hands then leaving. As he walked out of the bathroom, he had a pissed off expression plastered on his face, and it was very noticeable. Ivy turned to him and noticed his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Some douche mongle stood next to me while I was trying to take a whiz. I was the only damn person in there!" He crossed his arms in anger.

"Ew. Wait was it that guy?" Ivy pointed to the trucker about to leave the store.

"Hell yeah!" The blonde crossed his arms. "Whatever. He's not worth my time."

The two teens walked over to the boy's mother, who was just now paying due to the long-ish line. She told them to quickly grab drinks and snacks for the rest of the trip. Gus whispered into Liza's ear, "can you get me some pods? I'll pay you back with dinner tonight..."

The woman sighed. "I guess, Gustav."

The boy grabbed beef jerky, gum, Skittles, three Red Bulls, and half a gallon of milk. He turned and Ivy stood there with a 6-pack of water and a bag of chips. "Um... I wanna ask about the milk but at the same time I don't."

"I like milk. Is that a problem?"

"No. Just didn't know that about you."

"I'm kidding! I hate milk but I want to do something with it at the hotel." Ivy looked at him with wide eyes. "Nothing bad just like pour it on their car while they're in it."

"That's still kinda bad."

"I will use it on you if you make fun of my plan, Taggart."

"Use it on me I'll beat your ass."

"Mm. That a threat of promise, daddy?" Ivy punched the boy in the shoulder while laughing quietly. They walked back up to Liza, paid for the stuff, and left.

"Gus, why do you have milk?"

"I'll explain when I'm getting sued in court by the person and hotel owners." He smiled innocently.

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