~~part 39~~

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lilpeep 🐣👅 fucc it

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lilpeep 🐣👅 fucc it


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Stoner helped his girlfriend out of the car and into the hospital as quickly as he could. They tried to get into the delivery room but the nurse said the doctor was in the middle of something. "Just get her in there! She's having contractions!"

Ivy screamed and grabbed Stoner's arm for stability. "GET ME A DOCTOR BEFORE I HAVE THIS BABY ON YOUR FUCKING FLOOR." She cried as another contraction hit, causing her to scream once again.

"Yes, ma'am!" The nurse said out of fear and got Ivy into a wheelchair. Before the pregnant girl left, she gave Stoner her phone and a kiss.

"Call Gus, Bex, Dylan, everybody!" She said before another contraction hit, making her wince and cry out a little. Stoner just nodded before the nurse took Ivy away.

Stoner took a deep breath, let it out, then tried to call the three other males. Only Bexey answered. "Hey, Stoner! What's up?"

"Ivy is having Gus today. And by today, I mean like right-fucking-now. She just went to the delivery room to wait for the doctor."

"Are you guys in Arizona?"

"No, we didn't even leave Vegas." George was quiet. "Where's Gus? I tried to call him like 10 times."

"He's sleeping." (HmHmMmMmHm...)

"Oh, okay," Stoner said and started pacing around the waiting room. "Where's Dylan? He didn't answer either."

"No telling. I'm just sitting here on the tour bus waiting to take a shower." George said and coughed. "Well, you better get that girlfriend of yours before she kills you, a nurse, or the tardy doctor."

"Yeah, okay, bye Bex. Wait, when Gus wakes up, can you explain what happened?"

"Yeah sure, man. Bye." The boy hung up and Stoner rushed to the delivery room just in time too since Ivy looked like she was about to rip someone's head off. "Where's the doctor?!"

"On his way!" The nurse explained as she tried to get Ivy's breathing steady. Stoner gave the girl his hand to hold and she took it and squeezed. Hard. The man felt like his hand was about to fall off from how hard she was squeezing. But, thankfully, the doctor got there before someone lost a finger, hand, or even a full limb.

"Okay, Ms. Taggart, before we get started, I need you to-"

"Don't even think about telling me to steady my breathing," Ivy yelled as she turned to Stoner. "Just tell them to get this baby out of me!"

Stoner just looked at her, the nurse, the doctor, then back to Ivy. "I-I um..." Suddenly, Ivy's phone rang in the man's pocket. He silently thanked God and left the delivery room. It was Dylan. He answered.

"Hey what's-" He stopped talking when he heard someone shout, "CLEAR!" in the background. "Dylan! Is everyone okay?"

"Peep... He... He stopped breathing in his sleep..." Dylan sounded heartbroken. "They've been trying to revive him for the past 5 minutes and I've just now been able to call Iv- you guys because I've been in so much shock. I-I sat here and watched him fall asleep. Fuck, I even watched him sleep... Dammit, this is all my fault."

"No, it isn't, Smoke. You couldn't have predicted... this. Don't blame yourself Now, take a deep breath and gather yourself." He heard the man take a deep breath and let it out. "When did Gus fall asleep?"

"About two hours ago. I mean, when I checked on his last, his chest was heaving up and down... that was like 45 minutes ago. I-I should've just stayed with him, Stone."

Stoner was about to speak but someone on the other line did before him. "Th-they can't do it... He... Gus... Gus is gone..."

"Oh no..." Stoner gasped and covered his mouth. He thought about Gustav's mother. Then, he thought about Ivy. "Ivy! I-I gotta tell her she can't have him! Shit, I'm sorry, Dylan but I gotta go."

He ran through the hospital and ran into the delivery room. "Ivy! You can't have Gus!"

"WHY NOT!?" She screamed as she pushed. Stoner glanced down and saw the baby was already halfway out. "Stoner, what the hell is happening?!"

"The dream... I-it can't come true..."

Earlier that week on the plane from Florida to Nevada, Ivy had a dream that she would have Gus early and someone she was close with would die around the same time. The dream didn't decipher who the person was or when it would happen so Ivy just shrugged it off as her crazy imagination. "WHAT!?" She yelled as she pushed once again. "Stoner, who the hell died?!"

Stoner just looked down and took Ivy's hand. "One more push, Ms. Taggart!" The girl screamed as she pushed one last time, hearing a child cry. She did it. She survived her first childbirth... The baby was handed to the mother, causing her to start crying. Stoner started crying too--not just from seeing his first child, but just from everything that had just happened. Ivy looked up at the man, who leaned down and planted a kiss on her head.

His hand went to the child's back. "He's gone, baby... I'm sorry..."

"Stoner, what the fuck are you talking about? Who was on the phone?" She asked, trying to sound awake but actually sounded exhausted. Stoner looked at her, wiped her tears and planted another kiss on her head. The doctor took their son back from Ivy and left the room.

"Dylan called to... Tell you..." He sniffled and wiped his own tears. "Gus... He. He's gone."

"Wh-what?" She breathed and her breath became short and fast. Then suddenly, Ivy's eyes were shut and her head on the pillow. She had fainted. Stoner flipped out and began hyperventilating. The nurse escorted him out of the room, made sure he was okay, then went back in the room to make sure Ivy had no complications.


Well that escalated quickly...

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