~~part 11~~

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Ivy wearily walked into Science and sat down with Ava, Katelyn, and Ashlynn. Everyone was asking about the Instagram post Gustav had made the afternoon after Ivy had left with him. She pulled her MacBook out of her bag and got to work.


lilpeep you addicted to my lovin'

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lilpeep you addicted to my lovin'...

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"The next person that asks me if Gus and I are dating, I am going to slam into a wall then run them over with a speed boat," Ivy muttered, crossing her arms and sliding down in her chair.

"Why do they- ohhh... the post from yesterday. That wasn't about you... was it?"

"No! And Gus even told me it wasn't to anyone! It's just his new song he's working on with Bexey!"

"Who's Bexey?" Ashlynn bided while eating her powdered donuts.

"His friend. Ya' know the British one or where ever he's from." They all looked at her in confusion until Ava gasped.

"Oh, you mean George?"

"What?" Jorge looked at them. Ivy dismissed him out of the conversation.

"That's his name?" The brown-and-blonde-haired girl nodded. Ivy furrowed her brows and looked down. "Why didn't they tell me that?"

Mr. Johnson walked in and looked at her. "I heard Gustav visited yesterday at Lunch." Everyone looked at him and started telling him what he had done. "Shut it. I wanna hear it from one person; that person being Ivy."

"Uh. He just ate with me and we left." The girl lied, making sure the dodgeball game with Coach Harris come up.

"Well, I was just making sure." Ivy rolled her eyes at the man and went back to work, putting in her earbuds so no one else asked her about her friend.


"Everyone thinks we're dating," Ivy told Gustav through the phone with a sigh. "And I literally wanna die. Like just 'cause you say something about love doesn't mean it has to do with me. Like, I don't even like you."

Gus looked from the wall to the ground then at his phone. "Oh... well I don't know what to tell you besides I'll post something that says the post wasn't about you. I'll even make Bexey make a post." Gustav went to Instagram and DMed Bexey to make a post about 'Daggers'.

"Don't you mean George?"

"I call George rather than Bexey. Like he calls me Peep rather than Gus. Is that not okay?"

"I don't know. I said Bexey and no one knew who the hell I was talking about!" He nodded, knowing she couldn't see but knew it left room for her to keep talking. "I felt dumb, Gustav!"

"Uh huh... well, Bexey said he'd post something about the song. Just looks like we'll have to rush it? Oh dammit, man!" He DMed the boy back with bruh. rlly? we gotta rush it? can't we have like two or three weeks? "Okay, Vy. Look, I can't really do anything about something I didn't do earlier than apologize but I can set this right and tell you that Bexey and I will post about the song but we can't reveal any of the lyrics yet."

"C'mon Peep! Just post a video!"

"Ivy, I don't think you understand. I am NOT revealing any of the song. I will put out a post that... ya' know what Imma let you go so I can post this. I'll talk to you in a bit."


lilpeep Daggers ft

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lilpeep Daggers ft. @ bexeyswan out in two weeks. My last post was NOT about anyone. It was one of the lyrics so all ya'll who hasslin' my friend, don't make the mistake again... or else.

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bexeyswan Daggers in two weeks with @ lilpeep see you there

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bexeyswan Daggers in two weeks with @ lilpeep see you there

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He expected to hear or see something from Ivy but didn't for a little while. She must have been content with what Gus had posted. Or just hadn't seen it since she probably had better things to do.

❤Hot Mama😍💋- saw the post. i think ill be ok now...

💔Lil Pepe🔪- glad to make ya happy

Gus left his Messages and locked his phone. The blonde boy got off his bed and went into the kitchen. He grabbed a microwaveable cup of macaroni and cheese from the pantry. As he had it in the microwave, he turned on Spongebob. As he was walking over to the couches, macaroni and cheese in hand, Spongebob had been replaced with The Rugrats.

"Angelica. Ew. Whatta beach." He rolled his eyes and sat down, grabbing the remote and going to his recordings. Gus found his favorite episode of Murder, She Wrote and played it. He quoted every line either in his head or aloud while eating his macaroni and cheese cup.

Eventually, he got up and threw the cup and plastic spoon away then went to the fridge. Gustav took out the cake his mother had baked for Easter the previous weekend. He got the very last piece and threw the Tupperware container into the sink along with the lid. The blonde boy walked back over to the couch and sat, finishing his show then turning it back to Spongebob while sitting there eating his cake.

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