Truth Strikes!

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*Before starting: Here, Arnav and Khushi already had an argument regarding Shayam where Khushi did tell him the truth but Arnav being blind to it, didn't believe her!*



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Stepping out of the small room, he closed the door behind and slewed his eyes around the whole living room, like search lights, to get a glimse of her but failed miserably giving space to a longing and unsettled feeling to reside in his heart.

As much as he despise to accept the fact, but he do was missing her. A bitter truth it was, but Arnav Singh Raizada had become habitual to his crazy wife's presence and non-stop blabbering. As much as he used to get irritated with her annoying antics and childish gests, he secretly used to admire them too but obviously, ASR inside him would be damned before accepting this before her.

Since the moment they had an argument after Khushi had cajoled him to address Garima as Amma, and he in return had called her home ghatya, showing his disgust and displeasure on his stay there, Khushi had vanished out of his sight. It's been almost two hours and he hadn't seen her. He knew she was too hurt to come infront of him. He knew his sharp tongue and acid-like words had broken her and he really was feeling guilty about it. He wanted to apologise to her too, like he did to his MIL and bua-ji, but that could have happened only if she had graced him with her presence which unfortunately hadn't happened yet.

"Aunty, bua-ji.."

Arnav called out to the two ladies sitting in the lounge, watching TV. They averted their gaze from the screen and looked at him standing near the sofas with questioning eyes.

"Arnav bitwa? What happened? Do you need something?" Garima asked, smiling politely.

"Yeah Khushi.." The words left his mouth unchecked, making the two ladies blush and than, smile mischeviously.

"Too desperate to see your wife, right babua?" Madhumati asked teasingly.

Arnav couldn't help the heat that crept up to his neck. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish trying to form some words but failed. Dealing with AR employees and cracking deals was a different thing and bearing the impish glances was other. Definitely more difficult than the latter.

"Yeah..wo Khushi.. actually I wanted to..." Arnav stammered.

Madhumati guffawed throwing her head back while Garima too left out a chuckle. It wasn't a usual thing to caught their haughty SIL, off guard.

"She is out bitwa." Garima finally decided to put a break on their teasing session. "In the neighborhood, playing with children."

Nodding his head, Arnav quickly rushed out of the house. Standing in the hallway, he looked around to spot his wife. She was nowhere to be seen. He walked ahead, looking here and there to Khushi but failed. The lane was empty and no children could be seen there either.

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