Love always find it's way

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Something went wrong with the last drabble. It got unpublished and now, when I am trying to publish it again..its not happening😲  I hate Wattpad's glitches😤

"Fuck!!" Arnav swore punching the wall.

Groaning loudly, in restlessness and frustration, he sat on the recliner and dropped his face between his palms, rubbing it irritatingly.

"GOD!! Khushi, what have you done to me?? Why can't I get you out of my mind? Why dammit!??" Arnav snapped as he slammed his hand on the space beside him.

"You have occupied my thoughts, my mind, my brain and my heart too. Yes, I have steal my heart. I can't get you out of my mind. I...I have fallen for you...that too..madly and deeply." Arnav confessed.

"I know that I have been a jerk towards you. I have hurt you every single time when we came in front of each other but that was because...I was fighting myself. I was afraid to let you in my heart. I was afraid that you will capture my heart, that you will make my fall for you...but even after all my have won Khushi. You successfully crept in my heart and I didn't even realized but now when I have realized my love for you...than you also have to love me back. I love you Khushi Kumari Gupta and you will love me too. Period!!" Arnav's voice was determined.

Yes, he had vowed to himself to win Khushi and her love. He had made a point to have her in his life even if he had to force her because he was ASR, the same arrogant, ruthless businessman who wanted everything on his finger tips. He had the habit of having any thing which he liked by hook or by cook but here, it wasn't a thing. It was Khushi, his Khushi. He had to win her because she had became the reason behind every good thing of his life.

He had learned to smile heartily again, after meeting her...

She had became his breathing....

His life...

His love...

His reason to live....

He had become the old Arnav which he was once...

Arnav Singh Raizada would be dammed if he ever let that angel slip away from him.

"I will win you Khushi, I will. Now, when I have realized that I can't live without you, that I have fallen for you, that too, hard and fast, how can I let you go?? How can a person live without his heart beat?? I have to live in this world and for that, I need you. Because I know the moment I will let you go, that same moment would be my last. I love you Khushi and I won't ever let you leave me. You have to come to me because you are mine, you always were and you will always be. I am a jerk to realize it so late but now as I have, I will make you realize it too because I know that you also feel for me. Here I come Khushi, Be ready sweetheart!!" Arnav said as he stood up from his seat and dashed out if the room.


Parking his car at a fair distance from Gupta house, Arnav got out and started moving towards it. The whole lane was illuminating with fairy lights. A lot of hustle bustle could be witnessed around.

Reaching near the house, Arnav was about to ring the bell when suddenly a thought came in his mind and he immediately pulled his hand back.

"No way I can go inside like this, Aakash has taken Payal out with him. If I ring the bell like this, it might cause trouble for them. " Arnav muttered to himself.

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