The envy of bangles

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I am surprised with the amount of ideas which are knocking my brain nowadays to be penned down in this book😆

Just a random thought which crossed my mind while laying on the bed😅

Hope you people will enjoy it:)

Hope you people will enjoy it:)

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Throwing a sly glance at him with a knowing smirk on her face, Khushi turned towards her left batting her eyelashes oh-so-innocently and looked at an over excited NK with a very sweet smile on her lips.

"Nanhe-ji," She cooed in a sugary tone. "Tell na, which Bangles should I wear?"

On one side, where NK literally jumped on his place with glee with the thought of choosing bangles for Khushi, on other side Arnav gritted his teeth hardly almost crushing the coffee mug in his hand. His hold was so tight that his knuckles had turned white with the pressure. His eyes had turned red with fury and jealousy.

NK bobbed his face up and down with a wide smile and picked up a bangle from the box showing it to Khushi, who was busy side-glancing the angry man sitting on the sofa next to them.

"Khushi-ji, try this one please."

"Aww this is so beautiful." Khushi fluttered her lashes with a broad grin and wore the bangle, flaunting her milky wrist infront of NK.

"Oh my God, this looks so beautiful." NK praised, almost dying with excitement.

Khushi again stole a glance at Arnav who was murdering NK with his killing looks. A chukle escaped her mouth seeing him so angry and green in jealousy. She was enjoying this little game way too much. It wasn't everyday you get the great ASR on his toes. He was practically stalking her in the whole house.

Khushi's eyes lit up with a mischevious idea. She diverted her attention to the man beside her and faked blushed. "Nanhe-ji, you make me wear the bangles of your choice na please. I won't put them off ever." She purred, exaggerating too much.

But that tick the man sitting on the right beyond anything. The green monster inside him woke up with a yawn. Flaring his nostrils, he fisted his palm and threw daggers at her, almost drilling a hole on her back with his intense gaze.

How dare she? How dare she ask another man to touch her? She is mine! Only mine! I would be damned if I let any moron to touch her. And this NK, I would rather cut off his hands and feed it to Laxmi before he touch my Khushi. Stupid, idiot! Why he had to come here? He should have stayed in Sydney only. Trying to come between me and my Khushi.

Arnav got up from the sofa with a sudden jerk. The force was too much that even the heavy sofa slipped back on the floor with a loud screech, crying over it's fate. The unexpected noise startled the oh-so-sugary duo. NK's hand which was hovered above the box halted and he looked up to find his cousin breathing fire. Khushi smirked inwardly on the success of her plan, but she didn't know what was coming out for her in next few minutes.

"Nannav, what happened?" NK asked, perplexed.

Arnav shook his head curtly and moved towards the table in front of them. Khushi gulped, seeing him approaching. Her heart beats increasing and her hands turned cold with anticipation to laad-governor's next action.

To her utter surprise, Arnav didn't even looked at her. He bend down and put the coffee mug on the table with quite a force and moved back but the next moment came as a shock for Khushi. As much as it appeared like an accident, she knew it wasn't one. He had done it deliberately.

On the pretext of putting the cup on the table and moving back, Arnav pushed the box of bangles on the floor with an insane might. With a cluttering noise, all the glass bangles fell on the floor and broke into pieces.

Arnav let out a satisfied sigh while Khushi's jaw dropped in astonishment. Unlike NK, she had clearly seen him pushing the box on the floor with her own eyes. To say she was shock would be an understatement. She was beyond that, drowning in it's pool.

Could he really do this? What the--

"Oh shit!" Arnav exclaimed in a sorry voice. "I didn't notice the box." He said with an apologetic look on his face, beating the actors of Bollywood behind with his amazing acting skills.

Khushi looked at him fuming in anger and in response, he passed her a pardon-me look but his eyes were clearing smirking in triumphant.

Nor there would be any stupid bangles, neither this monkey would touch my Khushi. Yep! Great job Arnav. You have made yourself proud.

NK was still in shock. His wide eyes were fixed on the broken bangles lying dead on the floor and his mouth was wide open. His poor hand which was about to pick the bangles from the box moments ago was still hanging in the air lifelessly.

Arnav rolled his eyes at him. "NK close your mouth lest a mosquito enters it. Even Khushi isn't that shocked like you are. It seems like you wanted to wear those bangles and not her." He mocked his cousin, pouring cold water on his heart to calm the rage.

NK passed him a hurt look. "Nannav you--"

"Shut-up!" Arnav cut him off. "I don't want to listen to your nonsense. Go and call HP to clear off this mess. "

NK grumbled something under his breath and stood up from the sofa, leaving the hall. Khushi also got up and was about to follow him, when a hand clasped her wrist from behind.

Holding her hand, Arnav pulled her back to his chest roughly. She came crashing into him. He engulfed her in his manly arms and looked down at her face which had now turned red with shyness. The fluttering of her lashes and rapid heaving of her chest gave Arnav a sense of pride. He smirked devilishly seeing his effect on her.

"Never, and I repeat it Khushi Kumari Gupta, never ever let any other moron to even come near yourself. Touching you is totally out of equation. You are mine! Only MINE! If next time I see NK hovering around you, he will have the same fate as these bangles. You got it sweetheart?" He whispered in her ear in a dangerously low voice, making Khushi shiver.

Moving back, he traced a finger over her cheek seductively and placed a peck there, before moving out of the lounge leaving a statue Khushi behind.

Hey Devi Maiya! What..was..that?"


That's it! Hope you guys like it 😊

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts about the drabble.

Will be waiting for your reviews 💕

The holy month of Ramazan is starting from Monday and so are my mids which will be continued till Friday, so now the updates will become a little slow. The next 30 days will be very busy in fasting and preparing for Eid so I won't be able to update frequently. Whenever I will have time and energy to write during fasting, I will update 😃

Happy Ramazan ul Mubarak to all those who will be celebrating 😘

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