Witty Wifey

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"Khushi, are you sure that this is yours and no one else'? Arnav asked, narrowing his eyes at the report card in his hands. His tone laced with mischievousness.

Khushi frowned up at him. " What do you mean by this? Obviously its mine. Can't you see my name and picture on the cover?"

Earlier that morning, Khushi was rummaging through her old pyxis and had fished out this old 8th standard's report card of hers. She, being the ever excited human being that she was, had immediately hopped towards her husband to show him that and since then, Arnav was examining it with sheer interest as if it was a delineation of some treasure.

"Yeah I can see the picture but.." Arnav muttered, as his eyes trailed up to the passport-size picture of a young Khushi.

A smile grazed his lips as he looked at it. With her hairs tied up in two cute pig-tales, she was flashing her signature radiant smile to the camera. She looked like a little doll with her milky white complexion, small button nose and chubby cheeks which were red at that moment too. Arnav felt like going in the picture and pinching them.

"But?" Khushi's voice broke his chain of thoughts.

Arnav sighed and leaned back on the recliner. A loop-sided smirk settling over his lips. "But..it's your teacher's remarks which are forcing me to think otherwise. Forcing me to believe this is a different Khushi Kumari Gupta and not my wife."

"What do you mean?" Khushi glared at him.

Arnav made an extremely innocent face and spoke. "Quiet, obedient and soft spoken?! When are you even one of these in front of me Khush?" He asked with a tongue in cheek and his wife's eyes enlarged with fury.

She stood up from the bed with flared nostrils and marched towards him angrily. "You laad-governor, how dar-"

"Hey, hey easy there wifey!" Arnav mocked her. "Don't forget your teacher's remarks. Quiet, obedient and soft spoken! You don't want to prove her wrong now, do you?"

Khushi opened her mouth to retort back when there was a knock on the door. Both of them looked up to find HP standing there.

"Nani-ji is calling you both down for breakfast." He informed.

Arnav nodded his head and gestured him to leave. Once HP was out, Khushi snatched her report card from his hands and put it back in the wardrobe, all the whole cursing him under her breath.

Arnav was enjoying all this a lot. It wasn't everyday when you get a chance to shut up the always witty and feisty KKGSR and since Arnav had finally gotten the opportunity today, he wanted to annoy her as much as possible. It was his way to avenge her for all the crazy antics and ideas she kept on forcing over him.

Without giving another glance to him, Khushi walked out of the room and Arnav instantly followed behind. She was walking-almost running, totally pissed off not giving a damn about him and it was very humorous situation for Arnav. Unfortunately for himself, he thought to rile her up even more not knowing that later he would have to bear the consequences and he would regret so bad for uttering such words.

"Your bottom is getting so big Khushi. Its look like an old washing machine." Arnav passed the remark, snickering.

Khushi froze on her feet for a moment and her hands formed into tight fists. Her body tensing up a bit and Arnav instantly knew that she would turn back any second now and would lash out on him. But, to his utter surprise Khushi kept quiet and started walking again.

"Oh crap!" Arnav mumbled looking at her back. "Seems like it got overboard. Sankadewi isn't going to leave me for this."

Little did he know, he was absolutely right.


The whole day passed and much to Arnav's astonishment, Khushi behaved normally with him like she used to. She didn't give any signs of being angry on and it somehow relieved him. Even though, his sixth sense was continuously sending his danger signals, Arnav chose to ignore them and that was biggest mistake he committed. *wink*

Later that night, once Arnav & Khushi were in bed, he tired to get closer to her. Its been quite some days they had done it and tonight, Arnav really wanted to have her. He was super horny and turned on.

"Khushi.." Arnav called out her name romantically trying to get some reaction out of her. "Let's do it tonight. I am legit craving for you dammit."

Khushi turned back and faced him. Her eyes staring right into his and when she opened her mouth, the words coming out of them made Arnav to regret the whole morning.

"I am not starting the old washing machine for such a small load. You will have to do it by hand."

And Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada definitely knew how to get back on people especially her husband, who learned a lesson that night followed by many others to not mess with a wife.


How was it?😮 I don't know if it came out comic enough or not. I tried to write something funny.

Do vote and comment your thoughts about it. I hope you guys liked it🙊

I don't know if I shared this👇 meme before or not but its very funny and a good laughing material.

I don't know if I shared this👇 meme before or not but its very funny and a good laughing material

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