Sweet times ya!

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His eyes moved around the whole room like a search light, scrutinizing every corner where the cameras were placed by his vile Jija-ji and heaved a sigh of relief when he couldn't spot them anymore.

Turning towards Khushi who was looking back at him with expectant eyes, Arnav nodded his head positively. "Gone!"

Khushi let out a breath of ease and smiled brightly. "Thank God we got rid of those cameras. Shayam-ji removed them himself and made our work easy. We couldn't have find them ourselves I tell you. Now, we don't need to be afraid of anything.  We can do anything and any time, we want." She chirped happily, bouncing on her feet.

Arnav smirked slyly as a mischevious idea popped up in his mind, hearing the words his wife uttered in her innocence. Giving her the eyes, he started taking slow suggestive steps towards her keeping her gaze intact on her.

Khushi, who had by then realized the mistake she committed with the choice of words shifted uncomfortably on her feet, fidgeting with her fingers. Her heart picking up the pace, thumping loudly against her chest.

"Anything and anytime?" Arnav whispered in a hoarse voice with his face bend down to her level. His hot breath was faning her lips making her shudder. "Getting naughty, are you wifey?"

Khushi blushed and stumbled back a little, gulping due to his close proximity. "N-no. I didn't m-mean in th-that way."

"That way?" Arnav's smirk stretched a bit more. "In what way Khushi?" He asked mischeviously.

Khushi looked everywhere but him. Her cheeks turning a darker shade of red and Arnav groaned internally at his extremely shy & innocent wife. Her fluttering eyelashes and trembling lips were coaxing him to do unimaginable things to her. Only he knew, how hard he had to try to control himself from taking her right than and there.

"Ab tum itni si bat p blush karogi to mamla bhot jaan lewa hojaega Khushi. Mardogi tum mjhy bhot jldi. (If you will blush like this on every little thing that it would get very life threatening for me Khushi. I swear you will kill me very soon like this.)" Arnav husked in her ear, biting the junction of her neck and shoulder making Khushi take a sharp intake of breath.

"Arnav-ji.." Khushi mumbled his name with closed eyes, completely understand his magical spell.

Lifting up his head from her neck, Arnav took her in shivering form and smiled proudly seeing his effect over her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and flushed her in his chest a little roughly, causing Khushi to open her eyes with a gasp.

"Let's do the things which you implied on earlier, Khushi." Arnav spoke, gazing right into her eyes.

Khushi gulped and gulped, trying to control her nervousness. Her heart was going crazy with just his closeness. He hasn't even start doing anything yet. What was he taking so long? Why don't he kiss her already? What was he waiting for dammit?

Wait what? Was that disappointment in Khushi's thoughts.

Oh yes! It was;)

Khushi looked up in his eyes and smiled, trying to hide her anxiety. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed herself more into his body, making their lower parts rub against each other. Arnav breathed harshly at the contact and so does Khushi but none of them backing out.

"Do you even know how many things are pending for us Khushi?" Arnav asked her with a tongue in cheek.

Khushi frowned cutely. "What things?"

Arnav grinned devilishly and brushed her nose against hers, moving down to her cheek and than neck. His nostrils leaving a trail of goosebumps behind on her skin. A whimper left khushi's mouth and her legs weakened. If not for his hold around her, she would have definitely fell down on the ground with he legs turned jelly.

"Many things! Our first kiss, our first night, our first climax, our first sex, our first--"

"Hey Devi Maiya!! Stop please Arnav-ji!!" Khushi shrieked in a high pitched voice, interrupting him in between. She covered her ears with her palms and shut her eyes tightly as if to avoid his shameless talks.

"What?" Arnav laughed.

Khushi shook her head vigorously, still not opening her eyes. "You are so besharam."

Arnav chukled and held her wrist, pulling her into him again. He dipped her head in her neck and kissed there softly. He continued to trail his lips from her neck to her shoulders and down towards her cleavage.

"Arnav-ji.." Khushi mumbled in a daze.

"Only yours besharam I am, Khushi! Arnav husked.

Khushi wriggled in his hold blushing profusely. Her brain was in a haywire with his ministrations. He was playing with her senses. He had a strong hold over her body and mind. She was going crazy. His hands and lips were playing a havoc in her.

"Arnav-ji, leave me please. I have to go down." Khushi struggled.

Arnav shook his head and kissed her cheeks soundly. "No way in hell!"

Khushi looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and pouted her lips, giving him her most innocent face. "Please na."

"Khushi seriously?" Arnav glared at her playfully. "First because of that cunning man, I couldn't had you the way I wanted and now you are acting all stubborn. I am not going to stop today Khushi. I want you all for myself tonight and you won't back off. Dammit woman, I have even forget how you look naked." He groaned in the end.

Khushi's jaw dropped again at his open words. She smacked his chest and glared at him. "Stop it."

"As I said earlier, none can stop ne today and now, I won't give you a chance to run away and will start right away." Arnav declared.

With that, he bend down and picked Khushi in his arms. Walking towards the bed, he threw her on it making Khushi gasp loudly. Grinning devilishly, Arnav got on top of her and locked her wriggling frame with his hard body.

"Let's relive the night before our wedding at my farmhouse, Khush. The time I spent there is something I would cherish my whole life. That day I got you for myself fully. I made you mine in every sense. I want to repeat the beauty of that night again. Are you with me?" He looked down at Khushi.

Khushi smiled and nodded, wounding her arms around his neck. "Let's recreate that night Arnav-ji."

Arnav smiled and pecked her lips, allowing his lips to linger there for few seconds. He than looked at her with a mischevious glint in his eyes and spoke,

"Namak Ishq ka.."

Khushi gasped and her eyes widened.

"You will do that sexy, seductive dance for me too again, right? After all it is another unforgettable moment of that night." He simpered naughtily.

Khushi squealed and closed her eyes, covering it with her palms and shook her head like a child. "No no no!"

Arnav laughed heartily and covered her lips with his, not before muttering a 'oh you definitely will wifey'.


I seriously don't know what CRAP I have written. Is shot ka to koi sar pair hi nhi tha😖

I am sorry if you guys don't like it and I seriously won't mind if you don't coz I myself don't like it a bit😤

Vote and comment if you want. I won't ask anyone today 😲

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