The cutest duo

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Writing something after a long time! I hope you guys find it good enough.

Dedicated to PearlOfPacific Happy belated birthday Vinny😍😍 I am so sorry for not updating on the day itself. I was extremely busy with my new job and all the work related to it. I hope you will understand🙊 and I hope you will enjoy this little shot too💖💖


Stepping out from the washroom, Khushi closed the door behind her and stepped in the room. Drying her hair and face with the towel, she looked around the room to find it vacant.

"Uh, Where is Arnav-ji??" She frowned.

Hanging the towel on the nightstand, she moved further in the room towards the French windows. Peeking outside, she found her husband lying on the recliner near the pool. His arms were folded on his chest while his head was resting back. He was looking lost in his thoughts.

"What the-! Why is he lying in open air like this without a blanket? Trying to be a macho man huh." Khushi quipped angrily as she walked towards the bed and picked up the blanket from it.

She walked in the pool-side with the quilt in her hands. Reaching near the recliner, she saw Arnav's eyes closed. Shaking her head at his carelessness, she opened the blanket and covered his body with it completely, trying to provide him with the much needed warmth.

Arnav's eyes snapped open.

"It was cold here and you were lying without a blanket so I bring it for you." Khushi informed.

Arnav nodded his head, passing her a small smile.

Turning around, just when Khushi was about to walk back, she felt her hand in his grip and was pulled back to him.

"Come here." Arnav spoke, gesturing towards himself.

Removing the blanket from his body, he opened his legs a little to accommodate her body. A small smile grazed Khushi's lips, as she moved and settled comfortably on top of his body.

Her small frame was resting on his waist relaxing-ly, while her legs were placed between his. Covering both of them with the blanket, Arnav wrapped his arms around her waist,  burying his face in the crook of her neck breathing her in her sweet Jasmine scent.

His lips trailed over her skin, leaving behind soft kisses all over her neck. He bit her ear-lobe a little harshly, soothing it with a lick and Khushi shuddered in his arms. Her neck arched up some more, giving him some more access.

"You know what?" Arnav whispered in her ears.

"Hmm?" Khushi hummed in response, lost in the spell her husband had casted around.

"My favorite place in all the world is next to you, with you!"

Khushi's lips bloomed in to a beautiful smile. Turning in his arms, she laid on her stomach over his waist, facing him. Her chin rested on his chest and eyes were sparkling like the most brightest stars on the sky.

"Getting so romantic eh? What do you want Mr.Raizada?"

"Arnav cupped her face in his palms and pecked her forehead followed by a sweet kiss on her lips.

"There is only one thing or should I say person, whom I have desired more than anything else in this world and she is with me!"

Khushi gazed at him quietly for few seconds before opening her mouth.

"You do know Arnav-ji that when you say such sweet things, you renders me speechless."

"Glad to know I can somehow shut you up." Arnav teased.

"I love you so much." Khushi smiled, placing a kiss on his chest.

"I love you too, so so much!"

Khushi looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Prove it! Scream it to the world. Make me believe that you are saying truth."

Arnav pursed his lips to stop himself from smiling, seeing his wife's cute antics and sweet expressions. She could be such a child at times when she wanted.

Bending his head head down near her ears, Arnav husked. "I love you Khushi Singh Raizada!"

Khushi pulled back from him and frowned. "Why are you whispering in my ears? I asked you to scream it to the world."

"I did so because.." Arnav paused for a second and gazed right in her eyes. Chocolate brown orbs collided with the hazel ones and the sparks flew up in the air.

"Because you are my world."

"Ar-Arnavji!" Khushi's eyes teared up!

Shaking his head in no, he wiped her tears softly and smiled. "No need to cry wife. What I said is absolutely true."

Khushi wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in intensely. "I love you so so so much."

"I know right. I love you too!" Arnav bumped his head with hers. "Okay tell me, do you know the meaning of WIFE?"

Khushi frowned at the sudden change of topic but nevertheless shook her head in denial. "You tell?"

Arnav flashed her a devilish smirk, that scream of danger. Khushi knew he was about to say something which would annoy her to the core. She gave him a 'don't-you-dare' look but he shrugged his shoulders and spoke,

"WIFE means 'Without Information, Fighting Every-time.'" He laughed out loud at the end and Khushi's glare hardened some more.

She kept on staring at his face quietly for few seconds, watching him laugh before her lips broke into a menacing smile.

"No hubby it doesn't mean that." She shook her head. "WIFE means, 'With Idiot For Ever'"

Arnav stopped laughing at once because this time, it was his wife who had cracked up big time.


That's it! Hope you guys liked it😊

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts about the shot!

Will be waiting for your reviews💕

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