You are a cheater!

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To say he was getting bored would be an understatement. He was beyond that! Sitting in the damn meeting for 1 hour by now, was totally getting on his nerves. He just wanted to rush out of here to his pent-house where his childhood sweetheart, girlfriend of 7 years and fiance of 2 years was waiting, to celebrate their anniversary.

But the freaking meeting! Arnav scoffed under his breath. Being the boss of the company definitely had some setbacks. He couldn't leave the meeting in between now could he!? Obviously not!

Arnav rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

See what love actually do to people! He, Arnav Singh Raizada who was known for his punctuality, disciplinity, workaholic nature and anger had now turned into a love-sick fool. His Khushi had became his top most priority now, even more than his work and his AR!

Letting his eyes roam around the large conference room, which was dark since a presentation was going on, Arnav smirked slyly and picked up his cell phone from the table.

Now, ASR wouldn't be ASR if he didn't know how to take advantage of the situation. Since the room was pitch wan and all the employees had their faces turned towards the projector screen ahead, they definitely couldn't see what their boss was doing. *wink*

Giving a last glance ahead, Arnav unlocked his phone and directly clicked on the Watsapp icon. Grinning like a teenager, he opened his favorite chat and started typing.

A~ Hey sweetheart!

Within the next two seconds, the blue ticks appeared but no reply came as he expected! She was online, he could see that but wasn't responding With a frown, Arnav waited for five more seconds before typing again.

A~ Khushi? You there, right?!

Again the same drill happened! His fiance saw the message but didn't bother replying.

"What's wrong with her?" Muttering under his breath, Arnav furiously started typing and sending a series of messages.

A~ Khushi, is something wrong?

A~ Hey why aren't you replying?

A~ Khushi, what the-!?

A~ You are worrying me now Khush. Is everything fine? Your phone is with you right?

A~ Khushi???

A~ What the hell dammit? Why are you ignoring me?

A~ Did I do something wrong? I don't remember doing anything to upset you. I even wished you our anniversary!

A~ Khushi, what the fuck woman? You are irritating me now. What's wrong with you?

A~ Khushi?????

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