Forbidden Kiss(1)

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Here is the most awaited post-dewali kiss drabble😉 Enjoy it peeps!

Dedicated to all my beautiful readers😘 You guys are my biggest and strongest pillar of strength. Love you all loads❤❤❤❤❤

A special thanks to all those who drop amazing in-line comments 😍 I legit love reading them dearies. You guys are fantabulous 💖💖💖

 You guys are fantabulous 💖💖💖

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"Hey Devi Maiya, please forgive me. I never wanted to do that. I don't know what came over me to commit a sin like that!? I don't know what had happened to me!? I don't know how I lost my control!? I am feeling so ashamed of myself since last night. Whenever I think of Lavanya-ji, I feel like killing myself. How could I betray my friend like this? How could I ki--kiss Ar--Arnavji? How could I..? Please for--forgive me Devi" Her voice choked with tears as the events of last night flashed in her mind, drowning her in the pool of guilt once again.

Bowing her head down, she wiped away her wet eyes roughly and let out a restless sigh. "I am not going to think about it henceforth. I won't go back to Shantivan now. I will make an excuse or anything but won't step in that place ever again. I can't look into Lavanya-ji's eyes anymore. What, she and others will think of me if they get to know about last night. No! I can't let that happen. I will keep a distance. I won't get near that house and that man ever again." With a determined look etched in her eyes, Khushi vowed to herself once again.

Wiping out her teary eyes, she gave a last look to Devi Maiya's idol before turning around and climbed down the stairs. Lost in her disturbed thoughts, she exited the Laxmi Nagar temple and came out on the main road. She was walking lifelessly on the road with moist eyes and aching heart, too drowned in her feelings when a speedy car came to a screeching halt near her. Khushi jerked up in fear and stumbled back. Her eyes widened when she saw the glass window of White SUV pulled down and Arnav Singh Raizada came into her view.

"Get in the car, I want to talk with you." He ordered, gazing at her intently.

Khushi gulped nervously and averted her eyes. "But I don't want."

Arnav gritted his teeth hardly. "Khushi stop fussing and get inside. It's really important for us to talk."

"Can't you understand simple words Mr.Raizada? I said that I don't want to talk." She glared at him and started walking again.

Seeing this, Arnav's fury raised to a notch higher. Already he was too frustrated because she was continuously ignoring his calls since last night and now this!! Slamming his fist on the steering wheel, he flunged open the door and literally jumped out of his seat.

With fast strodes, he reached near and grabbed her arms roughly before pulling her back towards his car and pinned her to door, towering above her small frame. Her wrists were clasped in a tight grip, placed on either side of her head.

"How many times I have told you not to walk away when I am talking? HOW MANY TIMES DAMMIT??"

Khushi flinched at his loud voice and tears brimmed in her eyes, due to the pressure with which he was holding her wrists. "Ar--Arnavji, you are hu--hurting me!"

Arnav's gaze darkened. "Aur tmhary waja say Jo dard mjhy ho raha hai, uska Kya Khushi Kumari Gupta? (And the pain which you are causing me, what about that Khushi Kumari Gupta?)" His voice was dangerously low, making a current ran down her spine.

Khushi looked away understanding the hidden meaning of his words. "I don't know what you are saying Mr.Raizada!"

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Arnav bellowed, biffing his palm on the car.

"Call me Arnav-ji like you always do or else, call me that....yes.. laad-governor but don't you dare call me Mr. Raizada!" He threatened huskily, boring his intense brown orbs into her restless hazel ones.

Khushi opened her mouth to say something but he stopped her, raising his hand. He than opened the front door of his SUV and legit pushed her inside and banged close the door. "Sit quietly without creating any drama. I am not letting you go until and unless I am done talking with you."

With the speed of a bullet train, he got inside his seat and drove of the car, to a destination known only to him.

Khushi sat mum not saying a word, fighting a battle with her heart which was shedding blood tears at it's merciless butching.

Let me talk and clear off this mess for once and all! Will tell him that ki--kiss means nothing to me. It was a mis--mistake and nothing more.


That's it for now! Hope you guys like the first part of FK😊

Let me know through your votes and comments your views about the shot:)

See ya soon with the second and last short😛

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