His wish

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"Khushi what's the matter with you? Let me sleep please. I have a very important meeting tomorrow." Arnav whined like a baby, glaring at his wife who was busy ruffling his hairs and pulling his cheeks not allowing him to sleep.

Khushi grinned mischievously and held his arms, making him sat up on the bed forcefully. She then settled herself on his lap and wound her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder.

"You aren't allowed to sleep." She mumbled in him.

"What the-!? Why?" Arnav frowned.

"Because I can't sleep duh so you can't either or waisy bhi its the duty of a good husband to stay awake with his wife if she is unable to sleep." Khushi declared, tightening her hold around him.

Arnav chuckled lightly and wrapped his crazy wife in his arms, leaning back on the head-rest. "Who the hell made this rule?" He asked, dropping a kiss on her hairs.

"Me!" Pat came the reply.

"Khushi seriously? What's wrong with you? Is this another crazy antic of yours?" Arnav looked down at her.

Khushi twitched her mouth and slapped his chest. "Hush! I said na I can't sleep so obviously I can't let you sleep either." She spoke and secretly took a glance at the wall clock which was showing five minutes to twelve.

Arnav huffed in annoyance and stared at Khushi whose eyes were red and dropping close. He narrowed his eyes, trying to decipher the reason behind her stubbornness.

What's wrong with her?

Not knowing her reasons, Arnav started patting her head lightly in hope to make her sleep but Khushi jerked his hand away and glared up at him. "Don't try to be a smart ass Arnav-ji. I know what you are trying to do." She yawned at the end and rubbed her eyes cutely.

Arnav hold her hand gently and shook his head, patting her eyes softly himself before placing soft kisses over them. "Why are you fighting against yourself to stay awake Khushi? I can clearly see how sleepy you are."

"I am not sleepy and you keep quiet." Khushi flared her nose.

Laad-governor! Can't even remember his own birthday. What kind of a man he is!?

She pouted in disappointment and looked at her husband who in turn, raised his eye brows. Khushi pinched his both cheeks playfully and got down from the bed. It was almost 12.

"Ugh stop doing that Khushi. I am not a child." Arnav puffed angrily, rubbing his cheeks like a child.

"Yeah yeah I know." Khushi rolled her eyes and smirked evily. "You are a chotte laad-governor."

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