Together forever (1)

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The white SUV came to a screeching halt, causing Arnav to jerk against his seat belt. His brows knitted in confusion as he took in the scene in front of his eyes. The entire place was blocked with the barriers and emergency ropes. Some police officers along with common people could also be seen.

"What the-! Barriers?? Aaty waqt to nhi thy( They weren't present on the way before!!)" Exclaimed a confused Arnav.

Looking around for someone to answer his query, he pulled down the window and called the near by standing man.

"What happened?? Why this entire place is blocked??" He asked.

"Oh actually sir, an accident has occurred here few moments back. A girl and a boy were injured." The man told making Arnav jolted in his seat. His heart pounded in his chest when a sudden fear engulfed him.

"Accident?? Girl and boy??"

"Yeah, actually a truck hit the girl. She was badly injured. See, that ambulance is taking her." The man pointed towards an ambulance.

"Khushi..." Breathed out an horrified Arnav. His eyes darted towards the ambulance whose door close just in time but not before giving him a glimpse of yellow.

Pushing open the door of his car, Arnav jumped out. With a fast thudding heart he ran towards the ambulance but it had already drove ahead. Nodding his head in a no, he ran after the ambulance shouting on top of his lungs.




"No...please no...please stop...KHUSHI...!!!"

He ran after the speedy ambulance like a lunatic but when could a human won over a vehicle. The ambulance drove away leaving behind a panting Arnav.

He stopped abruptly shaking his head vigorously. His eyes misted with unshed ears which were quite visible. Making a fist of his hand, he put it on his mouth trying to control his emotions which were spilling out profusely.

"No, this can't be happening. No...I won't let this happen. Khushi, you can't-you can't do this to me. I won't let you away. I won't! You can't leave me like this. I won't allow you to! I am The ASR! I WON'T LET YOU GO AWAY!!" He shouted in the end not being able to control his emotions.

Running back towards his car, he stopped abruptly in his tracks as his eyes fell on a piece of broken bangle. Picking it up, he looked at it with fear filled eyes. A sudden memory of Khushi selecting a pair of Bangles came in his mind. It was the from the same set of Bangles which she was wearing in her wrist.

" can' just can' can't do this to me. You won't dare just can't! YOU CANT JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!!" Shaking his head in denial, he bellowed in a rage filled voice.

Turning on his heels, he quickly marched towards his car, pulling open the door of his SUV, he jumped on his seat. Fastening the belt around him, he put the key in the ignition. The dead engine of the SUV awoke with a loud roar. With tears filled eyes and heart gripped in immense fear, Arnav moved forward the car driving behind the ambulance.


Arnav jolted against the seat belt as his car came to a miraculous stop in the parking of City Hospital, nearly missing an inch from running over a child. As the frightened boy scampered away, he banged his hand against the steering wheel and parked the car aside. His actions and tensed muscles reflecting his recklessness and fear.

Fear of losing someone....

Stepping out of the car, Arnav closed his eyes raking his fingers in his hairs messing up his gelled hairs. With a thudding heart he ran inside the hospital.

When he reached the reception, he was panting hard due to lack of oxygen. The girl on the reception immediately stood up recognizing his presence.

"Sir." She said with respect evident voice. Obviously she was talking to one of the major and biggest donor of this hospital.

"A girl...she is bought here a while ago. Case of hit and run. Where is she? Tell me where she is taken?? Why aren't you speaking dammit??"
Arnav banged his hand on the the counter making the girl jerking up.

"Sir...she is taken to the operation theater. The boy who was with her was also slightly injured. He is receiving the first aid. They are--"

Paying no heed towards her ranting, Arnav ran towards the OT in the fastest pace ever. A bewildered receptionist could only watched in daze, the ASR running like a maniac.


That's it for now! Hope you guys liked it😊

The next two parts are already written so they will be updated soon. Like really really soon😉

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts about the shot💞

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