His solace

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Dedicated to:

PearlOfPacific my Vinny baby😍😍


Barbie242 Ayy larki, mery Arnuu sy door raho acha😣😣

Barbie242 Ayy larki, mery Arnuu sy door raho acha😣😣

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"I want the complete report in next two hours Aman. If you can't do it than type your resignation letter instead!" Arnav barked, throwing a bunch of papers on the table.

Aman sighed and leaned in to collect the papers. "Consider it done, ASR."

Arnav scoffed. "It better be or else, you are fired!"

Aman rolled his eyes inwardly at the empty threat of his boss and nodded his head, before turning around and walked out of the lion's den.

"As if you will ever do it." He muttered sarcastically, walking down the stairs.

Back there in the cabin, Arnav heaved a long, tired sigh and rested his head on the back of chair, closing his eyes. He looked worn out and exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes giving away of sleepless nights due to the insane work pressure at AR.

"Bunch of fools." He gritted his teeth. "Who the hell hired them even? Incompetent jerks!"

Few momemts passed by like this with Arnav trying hard to control his temper and calm down his raging nerves. He so wanted to send everything & everyone to hell and just run off to his home. The only place where he could find solace and peace. His Khushi's soothing embrace and the feeling of her fingers caressing his hairs. This was something which he used to look forward for, At the end of every tiring day.

"Khushi.." Arnav breathed out her name and opened his eyes to look at the picture frame lying on his desk.

The same bright and captivating smile, her always-sparkling-with-mischeif hazel orbs, soft, long hairs left open just the way he loved and dressed in a beautiful red chudidar. It was her picture! His Khushi's. A smile bloomed over Arnav's lips as he gazed at it. His woman! Oh how much he was missing her.

As if one cue, Arnav's mobile went off with a ring. Tearing away his gaze from her picture, he picked up his phone to see her number flashing on the screen along with her contact photo. Not wasting another second, he swiped the screen towards right.

"Hey!" Arnav greeted smilingly.

"Arnav-ji.." Khushi chirped from the other side. "How are you? How is the day going?" She was fully aware of his hectic schedule.

"Tiring and busy." Arnav sighed. "I feel like pushing all my employees in a gutter. They are getting on my nerves."

Khushi giggled from the other side. "Calm down husband, will you? Please don't kill your poor workers or else you will have to do all the work by yourself."

Arnav chuckled. "Ok I won't. Your wish is my command, wife."

"Good boy." Khushi laughed. "Acha listen I won't take much of your time. Just don't forget to take your lunch and medicines on time, ok? Apko humari kasam hai Arnav-ji."

Arnav laughed at his Bollywood-lover wife. "You don't need to go all filmy on me, Mrs.Raizada. I will take my lunch and meds both."

"Don't forget, ok. I will also ask Aman-ji to confirm so no cheating." She chided him. Her concern for him was evident in her voice.

"Yeah Khushi ok. I promise I will have lunch and meds on time. You don't need to alert the whole office for it." Arnav sneered.

"Ok.." Khushi said.

"Ok so. I will see you tonight. Bye fo-"

"Wait wait Arnav-ji." Khushi spoke hurriedly, interrupting Arnav. "Listen to me."


"I will ask you a question and you have to reply to it. After that, I will cut the call."

"What question?" Arnav frowned. "Ask me."

"OK listen. Once 'I love you' and 'I hate you' were walking on a road. Suddenly a car hit 'I hate you' and he died on the spot. Now who is left behind?"

Arnav laughed out loud hearing his crazy wife. His heart fluttering with a sudden warmth and love for her. Khushi definitely had unique ways of making him say things which she want to hear. No doubt she was a very innocent and naive girl but at times, she would act like a clever woman to get things in her way.

"Ary tell na Arnav-ji. Who is left behind?" Khushi asked impatiently, sounding like a little child who was so desperate to get his favorite candy.

"I love you." Arnav smiled warmly.

"Aww I love you too." Khushi gushed heartily. "Now bye bye. Will see you tonight." And with that the call went off.

Arnav smiled warmly and shook his head, putting the phone on the table. His eyes having a fuzzy look in them and heart filled with tenderness. All the tiredness which he was feeling since morning had suddenly vanished in thin air.

His Khushi knew how to make him feel better. She was crazy but absolutely cute too. She had this hidden magic of making him smile in the worst of times, with her child-like sweet antics. She was his home and his solace.


That's it! Hope you guys like it😊

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts about the shot😅

Will be waiting for your reviews💜

Don't forget to check out the new OS series "Life with a devilishly devious doll" featuring ArShi and their princess Amal.💞

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