Connected Hearts

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Standing in the alter, trying to wipe away her tears which were continuously flowing down her eyes, Khushi was remembering all the words which he had threw at her. The pain was unbearable. The way he shouted at her saying that she can never understand what is it to loose your parents was tearing her apart.

"How can he say like this. Why is it always like this that he hurts me the most, not only with his actions but with his words as well?? Why he hates me so much?? What lost I have caused him that he can't even bear my presence. Hey Devi Maiya!! Please help me with this. Help me to get out of this pain. Help me to get out of his thoughts. Why?? Why it is like this that I can't hate him even if I try?? Why?? Why my heart push me towards him?? Why??"

"I don't understand my feelings Devi Maiya. I don't know why this happens that whenever he is around me my heart beats paced up. I don't know why, even after getting hurt by him many times, I can't hate him. I am afraid...I am afraid of my feelings. I don't want to feel anything for him. That's why...that's why I try to keep a distance from him so that his presence won't effect me heart. I just--"

Khushi's blabbering was cut short as she felt a guest of air passing by making her heart beat faster. She closed her eyes tightly clutching her heart shirt over her heart trying to control her dhak-dhak.

"Khushi.." Came his husky voice.

Her eyes shot opened. Gulping the newly formed lump in her throat, she turned around just a little and saw Arnav standing behind in all his glory.

"Khushi I want to talk to you." Arnav said as he moved forward towards her.

"But I don't want to talk to you."

Khushi said and tried to walk past by him. Arnav gritted his teeth angrily seeing her trying to walk away. Steeping forward he clutched her forearms and jerked her towards him.

"How many times I have told you not to turn your back when I am talking?? Can't you understand this one simple thing?? I am saying that I want to talk about something. You are testing my my brain and my patience since morning. Driving me crazy dammit!"

He spoke angrily pouring all his frustration and agony, which he was feeling towards her since morning in it.

Listening to his accusation, Khushi huffed in annoyance trying to wriggle herself free from his hold.

"You just concentrate on your mind because I haven't met you since morning. Fine, speak! What do you want to say?"

Gritting his teeth some more, Arnav tightened his hold on her making her wince in pain but he cared less.

"I wanted to say that whatever I said, I shouldn't have. If I knew about your parents than I wouldn't have done and said all that. DID YOU GET THAT?"

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