Her cute Arnav-ji

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Another old, cliche work of mine🙈 You guys liked the previous one so I thought of posting this too. Hope you enjoy:-)

 Hope you enjoy:-)

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The door creaked open and Arnav stepped inside. The room was dark with all the lights switched off. Only the moon light, coming from the long French windows was illuminating the room. The room was as silent as a grave that Arnav could hear his bating breathing.

He moved forward with slow quiet steps. His eyes darted towards their bed where she, his life, his wife, his reason to smile, his happiness, his love, his everything, his Khushi was laying peacefully drowned in deep slumber.

Reaching near the bed, Arnav sat beside her as slowly as possible not wanting to wake her up. Looking at her face intently, he tried to absorb her every beautiful feature. Even during her sleep, she was looking breathtakingly beautiful. She was capable of taking away his breath, Arnav admitted to himself. Her shallow breathing was indicating that she was in a deep sleep.

Arnav moved his hand towards her face, slowly removing the fringe of her hair which was lying on her face blocking his view. He kept looking at her face for few moments before his eyes moved towards the wall clock which showed that it was only few minutes left in striking 12.

Arnav looked at her again. His eyes were slightly misty giving away about his crying. He held his right hand up which was hanging down the bed. A fresh red blooming rose could be seen in it. Placing it beside her head,on the pillow, Arnav bend down and kissed her forehead ever so lovingly allowing his lips to linger over there for few moments.

"Happy Birthday Khushi, I wish tmhy dunya ki sari khushyan mily.( I wish you get all the happiness of this world.)" His voice choked.

No being able to look at her face, Arnav looked away not knowing that as soon as he averted his gaze, Khushi opened her eyes and first looked at him with tears filled eyes and than the rose beside her. She watched painfully as she saw him wiping the corner of his eye.

Arnav was never a man of words. He didn't know how to say all those long Bollywood dialogues but he loved Khushi with all his heart and she knew that. She had felt utterly bad after her outburst on him for not wishing her but now watching him all in pain and tears, Khushi felt as if someone had clawed her heart with sharp nails. She could never see this man hurt.

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