Two riddles, one hint

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Her heart was going crazy, thumping crazily against her rib-cage. The loud dhak-dhaks could be heard clearly. It was like, her widly beating organ had conspired against the her, joining hands with the devilishly handsome man standing before to make her even more nervous and restless that she already was. The evil smirk plastered on his perfectly-shaped, pink plump lips wasn't helping her either. His eyes were scrutinizing her like a X-RAY machine, gazing through her inside out. She was feeling exposed! As if, he was undressing her with his smoldering look only.

Clutching the soft silly material of her bottle green saree over her chest, Khushi averted her eyes from his looking everywhere in the room except him. Her breasts were heaving up and down briskly, going completely out of control. Her mouth was opened ajar, taking sharp intake of breaths. Her whole body had turned cold, quivering under his chocolate brown orbs. Her palms were sweaty and clammy, shaking out of nervousness.

Why is he looking at me like this? Why isn't he saying anything?

Just as the thought crossed her mind, Arnav took a step towards Khushi making her move back immediately. He, with a smirk looked at her shivering steps and than at her face, clearly enjoying the effect he had on her.

"Khushi.." He called out her name. "Won't you say thanks to me? I didn't dance on your tunes but at least I danced with you."

Her head jerked up immediatly as his words fell in her ears. She looked into his eyes for a second but couldn't hold her gaze for longer as that pair of captivating orbs was screaming of different emotions. Her dhak-dhaks increased a little more.

"Th-thank you." Khushi let the words rolled out of her tongue.

With a nod, Arnav acknowledged her gratitude and turned around to leave. Just as he was about to open the door, her words rang in his ears making him halt in his steps.

"Why did you help me there on the stage? Why didn't you let me loose? After all, that's what you wanted, right? Than why?"

A smile formed on Arnav's lips. He looked down towards the left side of his chest, where his heart was going mad too. This chit of a girl had casted a spell on him. He knew it!

Not that he was complaining though. Truth be told, he was liking all this. Stalking her everywhere in the house like a teenager, flirting with her, making her all nervous and wet for him, teasing her with one or other things just to get the glimse of his feisty Khushi. Yes! She was his! Only HIS! Arnav Singh Raizada had accepted the fact and he was all set to make her accept this too. No NK or any other stupid Nan could snatch her from him. He would set the whole world on fire and kill each and every person who would try to take his Khushi from him. He had vowed to himself!

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