Never mess with KKGSR!

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Currently, its 3:15 AM here and I am unable to sleep. I think I am developing insomania😕

Lol just kidding. Truth be told, I am a night owl and can't actually sleep at nights😬 On the contrary, you font even need to tell me to sleep whole day. I will do that anyways😂 I can literally sleep the entire day, as long as the sun is out but as soon as the sin sets, sleep vanishes from my eyes like gadhy k sar sy seeng😲

So as I was unable to sleep so thought of drafting something. Took me a total of 20 minutes to type this one:)



Thanks to heaven, Arnav Singh Raizada was in a good mood today. And so, he decided to do something which would uplift his mood even more.

Guess what is it?

Hmm, teasing wifey!

Pushing the door to their room open, Khushi stepped inside. She looked around to find her husband at the pool-side, with a water can in his hands and watering the plants. Her eyes widened seeing an unusual thing.

Ahh no, nope! Not seeinf him watering plants. That was a very common sight. The thing which had surprised Khushi was that Arnav was smiling on his own. And if she didn't see wrong, his lips were moving too as if he was humming some song.

Now, that was really suspicious of him. Frowning, Khushi moved to the pool-side and called out for him.


Arnav looked up immediately and flashed her a smile. "Khushi.."

"You are looking very happy this morning. Anything important? Should I be knowing something?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Ah yes." Arnav smiled some more. "There is something you know."

"What is it?" Khushi asked.

"Actually.." Arnav started but then stopped, taking a dramatic pause. His eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint and a naughty smirk on his lips.

"Actually I saw a very good dream last night."

"Ohh.." Khushi let out a puff of breath which she was holding unknowingly. "Good good! What it was about btw?" She asked in a plain tone, trying hard not to sound too desperate.

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