Arrogant Arnav

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Just a random thought that crossed my mind and I typed it immediately lest it flew outta my mind! Took me approximately 30 minutes to type it!

Don't know how it has come out! Rotten eggs and tomatoes are welcomed;)


"Arnav-ji has come!" Khushi chirped happily, getting up from the sofa and running towards the door to greet her husband, as soon as door bell rang.

Nani, Anjali and Payal shook their head smilingly while Mami twitched her nose and twisted her mouth, focusing back on the pizza in front of her.

"Phati saree is acting like a newly wedded bride!" She huffed, taking a huge bite of the pizza slice. "When will these two come out of their honeymoon period? Hello hi bye bye!"

"Manorama stop it!" Nani chided her, throwing a stern glare at her direction which Mami ignored royally giving her cent percent attention to her foodwa.

Paying no heed to the family's bickering, Khushi rushed towards the door like a lightening bolt and opened it, with a huge smile plastered on her lips.

"Khushi..." Arnav breathed out her name, flashing his most dazzling smile as his tired eyes met with Khushi's twinkling ones.

"Arnav-ji!!!!!" Khushi lunged forward and hugged him tightly, closing her eyes as a wave of contentment passed through her frame.

Arnav too reciprocated the hug, tightening his arms around his wife and buried his face in her hairs taking in her sweet Jasmine scent. All the wariness he was feeling, vanished in the thin air as the beautiful woman in his arms provided him the much needed warmth and peace.

"How was your day?" Khushi asked, once she pulled back from the hug and cupped his face in her palms.

"Hectic, tiring and busy!" Arnav summed up, sighing tiredly and massaged his temple.

Khushi opened her mouth to chide him when Anjali appeared from behind, smiling teasingly. Payal and Nani trailing behind her.

"Chotte and Khushi-ji, you guys can continue your romance inside the house too you know!? Why you are providing free PDA to the guards and other servants?"

Khushi blushed scarlet while Arnav rolled his eyes at his sister's mischief. "Stop being so over dramatic Di. We weren't doing anything like that. And even if we were, that's no big deal ok. We are husband and wife! Not any strangers. We can do anything which we want." He declared like a pro, not a least bit effected by the naughty glances of the family.

"Ohhh really? Anything which you guys want? What are these anythings chotte? Will you please elaborate for us too? You see me, Nani and Payal-ji wants to keep updated knowledge too." Anjali teased, sharing impish glances with the other two ladies.

Khushi turned even more crimson if possible, hiding behind Arnav. His lashes were fluttering crazily while cheeks had turned apple-pink. A beautiful, shy smile was adorning her lips.

"Di seriously? Don't you guys get tired of saying the same things everyday? Unbelievabe man!" Arnav shook his head, rolling his eyes yet again. "Now excuse us please! I want to go to my room and freshen up!" He held Khushi's hand in his and tried to walk past when this time, Payal jumped in front of them and smiled cheekily.

"If you want to go and freshen up than why are you taking Khushi with you Jeth-ji?"

Khushi's eyes widened at her Jiji's mischievous audacity while Arnav huffed annoyingly, flaring his nose.

"Oho Payal bitiya, don't you understand? Chotte wants to complete what he started on the door, in his room now. Isn't chotte? After all, we disturbed their romance na." This time, it was Nani who snickered.

"You guys are seriously crazy. I don't even know why I am standing here and listening to your nonsense. Ok fine! If you guys want the details than I would surely provide. I am taking Khushi with me because I so badly want to kiss her. I missed my wife a lot whole day and now I want her all for myself. I am going to have my fill of her, make sweet love to her and--"


Anjali, Nani and Payal screamed loudly, covering their ears with their hands and shut their tightly too. All three of them were shaking their heads vigorously as if begging Arnav to stop, who in turn was smirking devilishly now.

On the other hand, poor Khushi was about to swamp inside the floor due to shame. Her husband was truly an arrogant laad-governor and he kept on proving it time to time. Her heart was thumping against her rib cage crazily, all set to jump out. Her legs had turned jelly due to weaknesses and if not for Arnav's hold on her hand, she would have definitely fell down. Her eyes were low casted, not being able to look into the eyes of the ladies.

"Why?" Arnav cocked a brow. "Why should I stop? You guys wanted the detail right? Let me elaborate some more. So yeah, what I was saying? Hmm! I would make sweet love to Khushi and--"

"Stop chotte!!"

"We don't want to listen anymore Arnav-ji!"

"You are so besharam chotte!"

The ladies squeaked and begged at the sane time, still shaking their heads.

"Think before provoking me next time ladies! Now excuse us." Arnav spoke arrogantly, giving a sly glance to the three women, before walking towards the stairs with a profusely blushing Khushi behind.


That's it! Hope you guys like it😊

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Will be waiting for your reviews💕

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